I've encountered a behaviour of javax.persistence.EntityManager I'd like to understand.
I had code similar to the following:
1 // Query Execution
2 EntityManager emext;
3 String query = "SELECT obj FROM MyDatabaseTableBE obj obj.FOO = :fooName)";
4 Query q = emext.createQuery(query);
5 // Corresponding BE
6 ...
7 public static final String FOO = "fOO";
8 ...
9 @AttributeMetadata(attributeNature = AttributeNature.REGULAR)
10 @SearchAttributeMetadata(searchable = false)
11 private String foo;
12 ...
13 public String getFOO() {
14 return foo;
15 }
16 ...
17 public void setFOO(final String foo) {
18 this.foo = foo
19 }
20 ...
throwing the following exception: could not resolve property: fOO of: MyDatabaseTableBE in line 4.
The only thing I changed was the capitalisation:
// Corresponding BE, with changed capitalisation
public static final String FOO = "foo";
public String getFoo()
public void setFoo(final String fOO)
And it worked without an exception.
Why did the first version (with the second and third character in uppercase) not work?