如果一切都失败了,您可以重写 ASP.NET 手动生成的 FORM 标记中的回发 URL。使用 App_Browsers 文件和 ControlAdapter 可能是最干净的方法。
我有一个这样的 ControlAdapter 实现示例,尽管它旨在与 URL 重写一起使用,以防止在回发时恢复到实际的幕后 URL。但是,我认为它可以开箱即用地解决您的问题
public class FormRewriterControlAdapter : System.Web.UI.Adapters.ControlAdapter
protected override void Render(HtmlTextWriter writer)
base.Render(new RewriteFormHtmlTextWriter(writer));
public class RewriteFormHtmlTextWriter : HtmlTextWriter
private const string contextItemKey = "FormActionWritten";
public RewriteFormHtmlTextWriter(HtmlTextWriter writer) : base(writer)
InnerWriter = writer.InnerWriter;
public RewriteFormHtmlTextWriter(System.IO.TextWriter writer) : base(writer)
base.InnerWriter = writer;
public override void WriteAttribute(string name, string value, bool fEncode)
// If the attribute we are writing is the "action" attribute, and we are not on a sub-control,
// then replace the value to write with the raw URL of the request - which ensures that we'll
// preserve the PathInfo value on postback scenarios
if (name == "action" && !HttpContext.Current.Items.Contains(contextItemKey))
// Use the Request.RawUrl property to retrieve the un-rewritten URL
value = HttpContext.Current.Request.RawUrl;
HttpContext.Current.Items[contextItemKey] = true;
base.WriteAttribute(name, value, fEncode);
<browser refID="Default">
<adapter controlType="System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlForm" adapterType="FormRewriterControlAdapter" />