我对 DOM 以及整个 HTML 和 PHP 的东西还很陌生,所以我正在寻找一些关于如何做到这一点的信息。到目前为止,我拥有的是 Javascript。现在我想/必须使用 DOM 来显示这个脚本。(仅供参考:我正在为 Moodle 实现一些东西,并且已经这样做了)
我对 DOM 的发现是我可以更改不同节点的值。我发现自己的问题是我发现的所有例子都是这样的。单击一个按钮,就会发生一些事情。没关系,但现在我希望我的脚本每秒运行一次,这样我就可以让需要它的人看到时间不多了。
var running = false
var endTime = null
var timerID = null
// totalMinutes the amount of minutes is put into
var totalMinutes = 3;
function startTimer() {
// running is being started and the current time is put into the variable
running = true
now = new Date()
now = now.getTime()
// Variable endTime gets the time plus the maximum time
endTime = now + (1000 * 60 * totalMinutes);
function showCountDown() {
// same as startTimer, time is saved in variable now
var now = new Date()
now = now.getTime()
if (endTime - now <= 0) {
// Variable timerID gets clearTimeout -->http://de.selfhtml.org/javascript/objekte/window.htm#clear_timeout
// boolean running set to false
running = false
alert("Ihr Resultat wird nun ausgewertet!")
} else {
// delta is being calculated
var delta = new Date(endTime - now)
var theMin = delta.getMinutes()
var theSec = delta.getSeconds()
var theTime = theMin
// show seconds and minutes
theTime += ((theSec < 10) ? ":0" : ":") + theSec
document.getElementById('CheckResults').innerHTML = " (Übung in " + theTime + " Minuten abgelaufen)"
if (running) {
timerID = setTimeout("showCountDown()",900)