我试图制作一个连接到 IRC 的 Java 机器人,然后当用户键入命令时,它“掷骰子”,但似乎无法正常工作
cannot find symbol variable IntRoll
illegal start of type
cannot find symbol variable OpRoll
illegal start of type
cannot find symbol variable Op
cannot find symbol variable IntRoll
illegal start of type
cannot find symbol variable OpRoll
illegal start of type
cannot find symbol variable Op
cannot find symbol variable Op
cannot find symbol variable generator
int cannot be dereferenced
cannot return a value from method whose result type is void
int cannot be dereferenced
cannot return a value from method whose result type is void
cannot return a value from method whose result type is void
cannot return a value from method whose result type is void
cannot find symbol variable generator
cannot find symbol variable InRoll
cannot return a value from method whose result type is void
cannot find symbol variable InRoll
cannot return a value from method whose result type is void
cannot return a value from method whose result type is void
这是两个文件, http: //pastebin.com/c47RqRsd http://pastebin.com/v4Y42uF4