

代码分为 3 个文件:lead.js、router.js 和 db.js。



var bcrypt = require('bcrypt'),
    validators = require('../lib/validators'),
    utility = require('../lib/utility'),
    document = {};

var Lead = module.exports = function (db) {
  // Save a reference to the database.
  this.db = db;

  // Reference initial document.
  // This is totally wrong, not sure how to 'send' a variable to the constructor of a class
  // when I cannot add another param. Due to how I'm importing the db model, I won't know what
  // the document is until I fill out the form. I've also tried 'document' instead of 'Lead.document'.
  this.document = Lead.document;

  // Setup the document if it exists.
  // This also doesn't work.
  // Basically I want to be able to set up a document variable outside of this module (line #100),
  // Then pass it to this module after filling it up with values from a form.
  // Then based on what's been filled in, it would fix up (trim, convert to lower case)
  // some of the values automatically and default a few values that I'm not always going to pass.
  if (!document) {
    var salt = bcrypt.genSaltSync(10),
        hash = bcrypt.hashSync(utility.generatePassword(), salt);

    // Default values.
    if (!document.meta.createdAt) { this.document.meta.createdAt = Date.now(); }
    if (!document.login.password) { this.document.login.password = hash; }
    if (!document.login.role) { this.document.login.role = 'User'; }

    // Normalize a few values.
    this.document.login.email = document.login.email.toLowerCase().trim();
    this.document.contact.name.first = document.contact.name.first.trim();
    this.document.contact.name.last = document.contact.name.last.trim();
    this.document.contact.address.street = document.contact.address.street.trim();
    this.document.contact.address.city = document.contact.address.city.trim();
    this.document.contact.address.state = document.contact.address.state.trim();
    this.document.contact.address.zip = document.contact.address.zip.trim();
    this.document.contact.phone.home = document.contact.phone.home.trim();
  // So in regards to the above code, the end result I'm looking for is...
  // I want to append some properties to the this.document reference when the document is empty (when I'm updating it, I won't set the document), 
  // and on new documents it will append a few default values/normalize all the fields.

Lead.prototype.validate = function(fn) {
  var errors = [];

  // Some validation rules I cut out to make this shorter.

  if (errors.length) return fn(errors);

Lead.prototype.save = function(fn) {
  this.db.collection('leads', function(err, collection) {
    if (err) { fn(new Error({message: err})); }

    collection.insert(this.document, function(err, result) {
      return fn(err, result);


[route.js file]

  var db = require('../models/db');

  app.post('/register', function(req, res) {
    var data = req.body.lead || {};

    // Fill the document.
    var document = {
      meta: {
        host: req.headers.host,
        referer: req.headers.referer,
        createdIPAddress: req.connection.remoteAddress
      login: {
        email: data.email
      contact: {
        name: {
          first: data.first,
          last: data.last
        address: {
          street: data.street,
          city: data.city,
          state: data.state,
          zip: data.zip
        phone: {
          home: data.phone

    // Write the document.
    db.lead.document = document;

    db.lead.validate(function(err) {
      if (err) {
        req.session.error = err;
        return res.redirect('back');

      db.lead.save(function(err) {


var mongodb = require('mongodb'),
    server = new mongodb.Server('localhost', 27017),
    connection = new mongodb.Db('test', server);

connection.open(function(err, db) {});

module.exports =  {
  lead: new (require('./lead'))(connection)

当我运行它时,我的验证器总是报告密码为空,这是有道理的。我最初使用空密码将文档发送到班级(密码是随机生成的,而不是表单字段) - 问题是我不知道如何处理 if (!document) ... 代码块实际设置 this.document 正确。




在 db.js 中,我导出了连接,而不是直接实例化线索(和未来的模型)。

在 router.js 文件中,我需要 db 和 Lead 文件,然后在 Lead 的构造函数中传递 db 连接和文档。前任。

var lead = new Lead(db, document);

在lead.js 文件中,它变得像执行this.document = document(与db 相同)一样简单。当我提交新的潜在客户时,我没有从 router.js 发送的值会附加到文档中(创建日期、随机密码等),一切都很好。



3 回答 3


即使使此代码按您的意愿工作,这也是完全错误的方式。在此示例中,您有单例潜在客户。通过请求 /register url,您希望将 'document' 字段设置为此单例。(重要)但是请求异步工作。绝对不能保证您保存刚刚验证过的文档。因为新请求可能会在引导对象中覆盖它。您需要在请求范围内执行此逻辑。一个请求的一个范围。不是所有人。

于 2012-03-16T00:28:40.513 回答

你设置了var document = {}初始,并且{}不假。最好将其设置为起始值document = null,然后在检查!documentsetdocument = {}之后再分配您需要的任何属性。

于 2012-03-16T00:21:07.283 回答

您需要阅读 Javascript 中的面向对象编程


this.document = null;


var myLead = new Lead(dbConnection);



于 2012-03-16T00:21:36.230 回答