我创建了一个小班来面对这种问题,我已经实现了 RAII 成语。
class DeepString
DeepString(const DeepString& other);
DeepString& operator=(const DeepString& other);
char* internal_;
explicit DeepString( const string& toCopy):
internal_(new char[toCopy.size()+1])
~DeepString() { delete[] internal_; }
char* str() const { return internal_; }
const char* c_str() const { return internal_; }
void aFunctionAPI(char* input);
// other stuff
aFunctionAPI("Foo"); //this call is not safe. if the function modified the
//literal string the program will crash
std::string myFoo("Foo");
aFunctionAPI(myFoo.c_str()); //this is not compiling
aFunctionAPI(const_cast<char*>(myFoo.c_str())); //this is not safe std::string
//implement reference counting and
//it may change the value of other
//strings as well.
DeepString myDeepFoo(myFoo);
aFunctionAPI(myFoo.str()); //this is fine
我已经调用了 DeepString 类,因为它正在创建现有字符串的深度且唯一的副本(DeepString 不可复制)。