关于 Rails 魔法的问题:

我在玩 IRB 和污染?方法,然后我只是做了以下事情:

>> User.first.attributes.collect { |column, value| [column, value.tainted?] }
=> [["phone", true], ["state", false], ["persistence_token", true], ["last_login_ip", true], ["country", true], ["login_count", false], ["last_request_at", false], ["id", false], ["forname", true], ["current_login_at", false], ["name", true]]





>> u = User.first
>> u.country = "USA"
=> "USA"
>> u.country.tainted?
=> false
>> u.save
=> true
>> u.country.tainted?
=> false
>> u.reload
>> u.country.tainted?
=> true
>> u.country.class
=> String # it's also string in the database

编辑 2

我删除了 User 模型中的所有内容,并且一些 String 列看起来没有被污染,而有些则......



3 回答 3


污点污点?是 Ruby 的 Object 类的方法。如果您正在寻找在您的 Rails 应用程序中修改了哪些对象,您可能正在寻找更改?

@customer.email = 'new@email.com'
do_something if @customer.email_changed? 
于 2012-03-15T21:56:05.030 回答

AFAIK, Rails does not make use of taint, it keeps track of changes, and html_safe conditions, but I have not seen any mention of taint. The ruby docs for taint say it is supposed to be tainted when it comes from external sources, I would guess that has something to do with the sql libraries in use. But without seeing that library itself, I can't guess as to why some are tainted and some aren't.

Running that code on my projects comes up with all false. It likely depends on what version of ruby/rails etc you are running, and since it isn't defined by rails, is probably unsuitable to depend on.

于 2012-03-15T22:16:48.923 回答

From Programming Ruby

Any Ruby object derived from some external source (for example, a string read from a file, or an environment variable) is automatically marked as being tainted. If your program uses a tainted object to derive a new object, then that new object will also be tainted...

From your example, columns like last_login_at, password_salt and created_at are created and handled solely internally, without using any user input. phone, email, country etc. are derived from user input, so they're intrinsically untrustworthy.

于 2012-03-15T22:17:37.660 回答