
//for printf
#include <stdio.h>

#include <cuda.h>

__inline __host__ void gpuAssert(cudaError_t code, char *file, int line, 
                 bool abort=true)
   if (code != cudaSuccess) 
      fprintf(stderr,"GPUassert: %s %s %d\n", cudaGetErrorString(code),
          file, line);
      //if (abort) exit(code);

#define gpuErrchk(ans) { gpuAssert((ans), __FILE__, __LINE__); }

__global__ void myKernel1(int *dev_idx, int *dev_tID, const int offset)
   int myElement = threadIdx.x + blockDim.x * blockIdx.x;
   int temp;
   temp = myElement+
      offset +
   dev_idx[myElement+offset] = temp;
   dev_tID[myElement+offset] = myElement;


__global__ void myKernel2(int *dev_idx, int *dev_tID, const int offset)
   int myElement = threadIdx.x + blockDim.x * blockIdx.x;
   int temp;
   temp = myElement+offset;
   if (offset != 0 && offset&0x01==0x0) temp+= (offset-1)*(offset>>1);
   if (offset != 0 && offset&0x01!=0x0) temp+= offset*( offset>>1);
   dev_idx[myElement+offset] = temp;
   dev_tID[myElement+offset] = myElement;


__host__ void PrintMethod1(int *h_idx, int * h_tID, const int offset, 
               const int total, const int h_set)
   for (int c=(h_set==0)?0:offset;
    c < (h_set==0)?offset:total;
      printf("Element #%d --> idx: %d   tID: %d\n",

__host__ void PrintMethod2(int *h_idx, int * h_tID, const int offset, 
               const int total, const int h_set)
   int loopStart = (h_set==0)?0:offset;
   int loopEnd = (h_set==0)?offset:total;
   printf("Loop Start: %d, Loop End: %d\n",
      loopStart, loopEnd);
   for (int c=loopStart; c < loopEnd; c++)
      printf("Element #%d --> idx: %d   tID: %d\n",

//Checks if there is a compatible device
bool IsCompatibleDeviceRunning()
   int *dummy;
   return cudaGetDeviceCount(dummy) != cudaSuccess;

int main()
   //Check for compatible device
   if (!IsCompatibleDeviceRunning())
      printf("ERROR: No compatible CUDA devices found!\n");
   const int total = 30;
   const int offset = total/2;

   int * h_tID, * dev_tID, * h_idx, * dev_idx, h_set;
   h_tID = (int *) malloc(total*sizeof(int));
   h_idx = (int *) malloc(total*sizeof(int));
   gpuErrchk(cudaMalloc((void **) &dev_tID,total*sizeof(int)));
   gpuErrchk(cudaMalloc((void **) &dev_idx,total*sizeof(int)));
   myKernel1<<<1,offset>>>(dev_idx, dev_tID, 0);
   //myKernel2<<<1,offset>>>(dev_idx, dev_tID, 0);
   myKernel1<<<1,offset>>>(dev_idx, dev_tID, offset);
   //myKernel2<<<1,offset>>>(dev_idx, dev_tID, offset);
   gpuErrchk(cudaMemcpy(h_tID, dev_tID, total*sizeof(int),
   gpuErrchk(cudaMemcpy(h_idx, dev_idx, total*sizeof(int),
   h_set = 0;
   //PrintMethod1(h_idx, h_tID, offset, total, h_set);
   PrintMethod2(h_idx, h_tID, offset, total, h_set);
   h_set = 1;
   //PrintMethod1(h_idx, h_tID, offset, total, h_set);
   PrintMethod2(h_idx, h_tID, offset, total, h_set);
   return 0;


Loop Start: 0, Loop End: 15
Element #0 --> idx: 0   tID: 0
Element #1 --> idx: 1   tID: 1
Element #2 --> idx: 2   tID: 2
Element #3 --> idx: 3   tID: 3
Element #4 --> idx: 4   tID: 4
Element #5 --> idx: 5   tID: 5
Element #6 --> idx: 6   tID: 6
Element #7 --> idx: 7   tID: 7
Element #8 --> idx: 8   tID: 8
Element #9 --> idx: 9   tID: 9
Element #10 --> idx: 10   tID: 10
Element #11 --> idx: 11   tID: 11
Element #12 --> idx: 12   tID: 12
Element #13 --> idx: 13   tID: 13
Element #14 --> idx: 14   tID: 14
Loop Start: 15, Loop End: 30
Element #15 --> idx: 120   tID: 0
Element #16 --> idx: 121   tID: 1
Element #17 --> idx: 122   tID: 2
Element #18 --> idx: 123   tID: 3
Element #19 --> idx: 124   tID: 4
Element #20 --> idx: 125   tID: 5
Element #21 --> idx: 126   tID: 6
Element #22 --> idx: 127   tID: 7
Element #23 --> idx: 128   tID: 8
Element #24 --> idx: 129   tID: 9
Element #25 --> idx: 130   tID: 10
Element #26 --> idx: 131   tID: 11
Element #27 --> idx: 132   tID: 12
Element #28 --> idx: 133   tID: 13
Element #29 --> idx: 134   tID: 14

MyKernel1运行时,使用相同的基于三元的 idx 分配,所有结果都为零:

Loop Start: 0, Loop End: 15
Element #0 --> idx: 0   tID: 0
Element #1 --> idx: 0   tID: 1
Element #2 --> idx: 0   tID: 2
Element #3 --> idx: 0   tID: 3
Element #4 --> idx: 0   tID: 4
Element #5 --> idx: 0   tID: 5
Element #6 --> idx: 0   tID: 6
Element #7 --> idx: 0   tID: 7
Element #8 --> idx: 0   tID: 8
Element #9 --> idx: 0   tID: 9
Element #10 --> idx: 0   tID: 10
Element #11 --> idx: 0   tID: 11
Element #12 --> idx: 0   tID: 12
Element #13 --> idx: 0   tID: 13
Element #14 --> idx: 0   tID: 14
Loop Start: 15, Loop End: 30
Element #15 --> idx: 0   tID: 0
Element #16 --> idx: 0   tID: 1
Element #17 --> idx: 0   tID: 2
Element #18 --> idx: 0   tID: 3
Element #19 --> idx: 0   tID: 4
Element #20 --> idx: 0   tID: 5
Element #21 --> idx: 0   tID: 6
Element #22 --> idx: 0   tID: 7
Element #23 --> idx: 0   tID: 8
Element #24 --> idx: 0   tID: 9
Element #25 --> idx: 0   tID: 10
Element #26 --> idx: 0   tID: 11
Element #27 --> idx: 0   tID: 12
Element #28 --> idx: 0   tID: 13
Element #29 --> idx: 0   tID: 14




nvcc --compiler-options -fno-strict-aliasing -DUNIX -m64 -O2 \
--compiler-bindir /usr/bin/g++ \
-gencode=arch=compute_20,code=\"sm_21,compute_20\" \
-I/usr/local/CUDA_SDK/C/common/inc -I/usr/local/CUDA_SDK/shared/inc \
-o TEST Test.cu





大多数 C 编译器,由 lang. 标准支持三元运算符。


int myVar;

然而,令人惊讶的是nvcc,当它们在内核中使用时,CUDA 似乎剥离了一些三元运算符并用零替换它们......



if (krnl!=0 && offset&0x01==0x0)
if (krnl!=0 && offset&0x01!=0x0)


idx += (krnl==0)?0:(offset&0x01==0)?

后一个代码虽然总是会产生一个零,因为 CUDA 的编译器会剪掉速记条件。



有谁知道这个功能是否会出现在 CUDA 中?


这是一个标准的 C 功能,我误读并错误地说它是非标准的。

编辑 2
我曾为编译器说“窒息而死”。“死”绝对是不恰当的术语。相反,nvcc完成了编译,但显然已经剥离了基于三元运算符的赋值并将其替换为零。后来这会回来并咬我,因为没有将内容写入正确的位置,而这些位置又被用作双索引方案中的索引。这些索引是在 CPU 端的总结期间使用的,因此段错误发生在 CPU 端,但由编译器截图驱动。

我正在使用编译器 v4.1 并已-O2打开。看来优化器可能正在优化三元运算中使用的变量,这可能是此错误的根源。


我计划遵循以下评论者的建议并向 NVIDIA 提交错误报告,但我将这篇文章作为对其他人的警告。

编辑 3


__global__ void MyFunc
( const int offset
  const CustomType * dev_P,
  const int box)
   int tidx = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
   int idx=0;
   idx = tidx +
      dev_P->B +
      (box == 0)?0:(offset&0x01!=0x0):
   //I put the cuPrintf here.... from it I could see that tidx was diff. ints (as you 
   //would expect), but that when added together the sum was always "magically"
   //becoming zero.  The culprit was the nested ternary operator.
   //Once I replaced it with the equivalent conditional, the assignment worked as
   //"offset" is constant on the level of this kernel, but it is not always 0.
   //Outside the kernel "offset" varies greatly over the course of the simulation,
   //meaning that each time the kernel is called, it likely has a different value.
   //"tidx" obviously varies.
   //but somehow the above sum gave 0, likely due to an unreported compiler bug.
   //box is either 0 or 1.  For a certain type of op in my simulation I call this 
   //kernel twice, once for box value 0 and a second time for box value 1

1 回答 1


我找到了答案……这是一个一般性的 C 问题,不是特定于 CUDA 的。

三元运算符在 LHS 和 RHS 上的优先级都非常低(不过,每个运算符的优先级都不同)。


Unexpected Result, Ternary Operator in Gnu C

于 2012-03-19T00:24:28.183 回答