我在运行我的 web 应用程序时遇到了麻烦。它启动得很好,但是每当我提出请求时,我都会在日志中弹出以下内容:
>> Listening on, CTRL+C to stop
!! Unexpected error while processing request: undefined method `call'
for #<Rack::Request:0x7f104facb640>
此配置在我的 Debian 服务器上运行良好;我现在正在运行 Gentoo。
require 'toto'
# Rack config
use Rack::Static, :urls => ['/css', '/js', '/images', '/favicon.ico', '/pubkey.asc'], :root => 'public'
use Rack::Request
use Rack::CommonLogger
if ENV['RACK_ENV'] == 'development'
use Rack::ShowExceptions
# Create and configure a toto instance
toto = Toto::Server.new do
# Add your settings here
# set [:setting], [value]
set :author, "jibcage" # blog author
set :title, "Going to Grass" # site title
set :root, "index" # page to load on /
# set :date, lambda {|now| now.strftime("%d/%m/%Y") } # date format for articles
set :markdown, :smart