我的目标是使用自举(1000 次重复)来计算 r(皮尔逊相关系数)的空分布、均值和 CI,这些与从我的 600 个唯一个体 (ID) 的数据集生成的 20 个受激随机对中的特征 (x) 相关。我最近从 SAS 切换到 R,我将使用“procsurveyselect”来生成数据集。问题:

  1. 产生这些结果的最有效方法是什么(见下面我的尝试)?
  2. 在我的示例中,我将如何使用 set.seed 命令来复制我的结果?

具有 600 个人和相关特征值的模拟起始数据集:

ID <- seq(1, 600, by = 1)
x <- rnorm(600, m = 7, sd = 2)
X <- as.data.frame(cbind(ID, x))

然后我生成 r 的 1000 次重复并计算 95% CI:

for (i in 1:1000) { 
  X.sample <- X[ sample(1:nrow(X), 40, replace = FALSE), ] 
  X.sample.1 <- X.sample[1:20, ]
  X.sample.2 <- X.sample[21:40, ]
  Y <- as.data.frame(cbind(X.sample.1$ID, X.sample.1$x, X.sample.2$ID,  X.sample.2$x))
  cor.results <- cor.test(Y[,2], Y[,4], alternative = c("greater"), method = c("pearson"))
  Z[i] <- cor.results$estimate

error <- qt(0.975, df = (length(Z) - 1)) * (sd(Z))/sqrt(length(Z))

2 回答 2



# generate dataset
X <- rnorm(600, 7, 2)

# Create a function that samples 40 elements from X,
#  and calculates Pearson's r for the first 20 elements 
#  against the last 20 elements.
booties <- function(x) {
  X.samp <- sample(x, 40)
  cor(X.samp[1:20], X.samp[21:40])

# Replicate this function 1000 times (spits out a vector of cor estimates)
Z <- replicate(1000, booties(X))
error <- qt(0.975, length(Z)-1 * sd(Z)/sqrt(length(Z)))

for完成 1000 次重复大约需要 0.08 秒(比您正在试验的循环快大约一个数量级)。

于 2012-03-15T13:52:46.797 回答

通常,隐式循环比显式循环更快。尝试将代码放入循环中并将其放入函数中,然后在 lapply 或 sapply 语句中使用该函数。

myfunction = function(<insert relevant parameters here>)
  X.sample <- X[ sample(1:nrow(X), 40, replace = FALSE), ] 
  X.sample.1 <- X.sample[1:20, ]
  X.sample.2 <- X.sample[21:40, ]
  Y <- as.data.frame(cbind(X.sample.1$ID, X.sample.1$x, X.sample.2$ID,  X.sample.2$x))
  cor.results <- cor.test(Y[,2], Y[,4], alternative = c("greater"), method = c("pearson"))

Z  = sapply(x, myfunction)
#Here every element of x contains the arguments you want to pass to my function
#You can pass multiple arguments separated by commas after the function name

error <- qt(0.975, df = (length(Z) - 1)) * (sd(Z))/sqrt(length(Z))



> rnorm(6)
[1]  1.0915017 -0.6229437 -0.9074604 -1.5937133  0.3026445  1.6343924
> set.seed(1001)
> rnorm(6)
[1]  2.1886481 -0.1775473 -0.1852753 -2.5065362 -0.5573113 -0.1435595
> set.seed(1001)
> rnorm(6)
[1]  2.1886481 -0.1775473 -0.1852753 -2.5065362 -0.5573113 -0.1435595
> rnorm(6)
[1]  1.0915017 -0.6229437 -0.9074604 -1.5937133  0.3026445  1.6343924

> set.seed(1001)
> sample(1:5,10,replace=T)
 [1] 5 3 3 3 3 5 1 1 2 4
> sample(1:5,10,replace=T)
 [1] 3 1 5 3 2 5 1 2 1 4
> set.seed(1001)
> sample(1:5,10,replace=T)
 [1] 5 3 3 3 3 5 1 1 2 4
> rnorm(6)
[1] -0.1435595  1.0915017 -0.6229437 -0.9074604 -1.5937133  0.3026445
> set.seed(1001)
> rnorm(6)
[1]  2.1886481 -0.1775473 -0.1852753 -2.5065362 -0.5573113 -0.1435595



X <- rnorm(600, 7, 2)

myStat <- function(x, pairs) {
index = sample(1:length(x),(pairs*2))
Z = cor(X[index[1:(length(index)/2)]], X[index[((length(index)/2)+1):length(index)]])

Z <- b$thetastar
error <- qt(0.975, length(Z)-1 * sd(Z)/sqrt(length(Z)))
于 2012-03-15T13:33:00.133 回答