在 C++ AMP 中,内核函数或 lambda 用 restrict(amp) 标记,这对允许的 C++ 子集(在此处列出)施加了严格的限制。CUDA 是否允许内核函数中的 C 或 C++ 子集有更多自由?
939 次
1 回答
从 Visual Studio 11 和 CUDA 4.1 开始,restrict(amp)
函数比 CUDA 的类似__device__
函数更具限制性。最值得注意的是,AMP 对如何使用指针有更多的限制。这是 AMP 的 DirectX11 计算基板的自然结果,它不允许HLSL(图形着色器)代码中的指针。相比之下,CUDA 的低层 IR 是PTX,它比 HLSL 更通用。
| VS 11 AMP restrict(amp) functions | CUDA 4.1 sm_2x __device__ functions |
|* can only call functions that have |* can only call functions that have |
| the restrict(amp) clause | the __device__ decoration |
|* The function must be inlinable |* need not be inlined |
|* The function can declare only |* Class types are allowed |
| POD variables | |
|* Lambda functions cannot |* Lambdas are not supported, but |
| capture by reference and | user functors can hold pointers |
| cannot capture pointers | |
|* References and single-indirection |* References and multiple-indirection |
| pointers are supported only as | pointers are supported |
| local variables and function | |
|* No recursion |* Recursion OK |
|* No volatile variables |* Volatile variables OK |
|* No virtual functions |* Virtual functions OK |
|* No pointers to functions |* Pointers to functions OK |
|* No pointers to member functions |* Pointers to member functions OK |
|* No pointers in structures |* Pointers in structures OK |
|* No pointers to pointers |* Pointers to pointers OK |
|* No goto statements |* goto statements OK |
|* No labeled statements |* Labeled statements OK |
|* No try, catch, or throw statements |* No try, catch, or throw statements |
|* No global variables |* Global __device__ variables OK |
|* Static variables through tile_static |* Static variables through __shared__ |
|* No dynamic_cast |* No dynamic_cast |
|* No typeid operator |* No typeid operator |
|* No asm declarations |* asm declarations (inline PTX) OK |
|* No varargs |* No varargs |
限制的更多信息。您可以在CUDA C Programming Guide的附录 D 中了解 CUDA 函数中的 C++ 支持。__device__
于 2012-03-12T21:04:26.977 回答