- 查找所有非零大小的文件
- 计算所有文件的MD5摘要
- 查找具有重复文件名的文件
- 将唯一文件与主副本和其他副本分开。
- 备份唯一文件和主文件
- 删除其他副本
唯一文件= 没有其他副本
主副本= 第一个实例,存在其他副本,可能匹配优先路径
其他副本= 非主副本
文件总数!= 唯一文件 + 主副本 + 其他副本
- 我的逻辑错误在哪里?
- 有没有更有效的方法来做到这一点?
use strict;
use warnings;
use DB_File;
use File::Spec;
use Digest::MD5;
my $path_pref = '/usr/local/bin';
my $base = '/var/backup/test';
my $find = "$base/find.txt";
my $files = "$base/files.txt";
my $db_duplicate_file = "$base/duplicate.db";
my $db_duplicate_count_file = "$base/duplicate_count.db";
my $db_unique_file = "$base/unique.db";
my $db_master_copy_file = "$base/master_copy.db";
my $db_other_copy_file = "$base/other_copy.db";
open (FIND, "< $find");
open (FILES, "> $files");
print "Extracting non-zero files from:\n\t$find\n";
my $total_files = 0;
while (my $path = <FIND>) {
next if ($path =~ /^\s*$/);
if (-f $path && -s $path) {
print FILES "$path\n";
printf "\r$total_files";
open (FILES, "< $files");
sub compare {
my ($key1, $key2) = @_;
$key1 cmp $key2;
$DB_BTREE->{'compare'} = \&compare;
my %duplicate_count = ();
tie %duplicate_count, "DB_File", $db_duplicate_count_file, O_RDWR|O_CREAT, 0666, $DB_BTREE
or die "Cannot open $db_duplicate_count_file: $!\n";
my %unique = ();
tie %unique, "DB_File", $db_unique_file, O_RDWR|O_CREAT, 0666, $DB_BTREE
or die "Cannot open $db_unique_file: $!\n";
my %master_copy = ();
tie %master_copy, "DB_File", $db_master_copy_file, O_RDWR|O_CREAT, 0666, $DB_BTREE
or die "Cannot open $db_master_copy_file: $!\n";
my %other_copy = ();
tie %other_copy, "DB_File", $db_other_copy_file, O_RDWR|O_CREAT, 0666, $DB_BTREE
or die "Cannot open $db_other_copy_file: $!\n";
print "\nFinding duplicate filenames and calculating their MD5 digests\n";
my $file_counter = 0;
my $percent_complete = 0;
while (my $path = <FILES>) {
# remove trailing whitespace
# extract filename from path
my ($vol,$dir,$filename) = File::Spec->splitpath($path);
# calculate the file's MD5 digest
open(FILE, $path) or die "Can't open $path: $!";
my $md5digest = Digest::MD5->new->addfile(*FILE)->hexdigest;
# filename not stored as duplicate
if (!exists($duplicate_count{$filename})) {
# assume unique
$unique{$md5digest} = $path;
# which implies 0 duplicates
$duplicate_count{$filename} = 0;
# filename already found
else {
# delete unique record
# second duplicate
if ($duplicate_count{$filename}) {
# first duplicate
else {
$duplicate_count{$filename} = 1;
# the master copy is already assigned
if (exists($master_copy{$md5digest})) {
# the current path matches $path_pref, so becomes our new master copy
if ($path =~ qq|^$path_pref|) {
$master_copy{$md5digest} = $path;
else {
# this one is a secondary copy
$other_copy{$path} = $md5digest;
# store with path as key, as there are duplicate digests
# assume this is the master copy
else {
$master_copy{$md5digest} = $path;
$percent_complete = int(($file_counter/$total_files)*100);
printf("\rProgress: $percent_complete %%");
# Write out data to text files for debugging
open (UNIQUE, "> $base/unique.txt");
open (UNIQUE_MD5, "> $base/unique_md5.txt");
print "\n\nUnique files: ",scalar keys %unique,"\n";
foreach my $key (keys %unique) {
print UNIQUE "$key\t", $unique{$key}, "\n";
print UNIQUE_MD5 "$key\n";
close UNIQUE;
close UNIQUE_MD5;
open (MASTER, "> $base/master_copy.txt");
open (MASTER_MD5, "> $base/master_copy_md5.txt");
print "Master copies: ",scalar keys %master_copy,"\n";
foreach my $key (keys %master_copy) {
print MASTER "$key\t", $master_copy{$key}, "\n";
print MASTER_MD5 "$key\n";
close MASTER;
close MASTER_MD5;
open (OTHER, "> $base/other_copy.txt");
open (OTHER_MD5, "> $base/other_copy_md5.txt");
print "Other copies: ",scalar keys %other_copy,"\n";
foreach my $key (keys %other_copy) {
print OTHER $other_copy{$key}, "\t$key\n";
print OTHER_MD5 "$other_copy{$key}\n";
close OTHER;
close OTHER_MD5;
print "\n";
untie %duplicate_count;
untie %unique;
untie %master_copy;
untie %other_copy;
print "\n";