我想参考 yui 数据表单元格将内联日期单元格编辑器的位置设置为 ["tr", "br"]。我怎样才能做到这一点?

这种方式行不通—— column.editor.cfg.setProperty("context", [target, "tr", "br"])


2 回答 2


我只是重写了数据表的 doBeforeShowCellEditor 方法并更改了单元格编辑器的上下文位置逻辑。大部分代码是从 YUI basecelleditor 的 move 函数中复制而来的。 http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/docs/YAHOO.widget.BaseCellEditor.html

DataTable.doBeforeShowCellEditor = function(cellEditor){
      // Move Editor
      var elContainer = cellEditor.getContainerEl(),
      elTd = cellEditor.getTdEl(elContainer),
      x = d.getX(elTd),
      y = d.getY(elTd);
      //TODO: remove scrolling logic
      // SF doesn't get xy for cells in scrolling table
      // when tbody display is set to block
      if(isNaN(x) || isNaN(y)) {
        var elTbody = this.getTbodyEl();
        x = elTd.offsetLeft + // cell pos relative to table
          d.getX(elTbody.parentNode) - // plus table pos relative to document
          elTbody.scrollLeft; // minus tbody scroll
        y = elTd.offsetTop + // cell pos relative to table
          d.getY(elTbody.parentNode) - // plus table pos relative to document
          elTbody.scrollTop + // minus tbody scroll
          this.getTheadEl().offsetHeight; // account for fixed THEAD cells
      //alert(x + " : X : width : " + elContainer.offsetWidth);
      x = x - elContainer.offsetWidth + elTd.offsetWidth;
      //alert(x + " : X");
      elContainer.style.left = x + "px";
      elContainer.style.top = y + "px";          
    return true;
于 2012-03-12T16:46:55.620 回答


使用Dheeraj Kumar Aggarwal的代码作为起点,我做了一些改进,包括定义“d”。下面的代码仅在单元格编辑器水平或垂直(或两者)从屏幕边缘掉出时重新定位单元格编辑器。

objDataTable.doBeforeShowCellEditor = function(cellEditor){
        // Move Editor
        var d = YAHOO.util.Dom,
            elContainer = cellEditor.getContainerEl(),
            elTd = cellEditor.getTdEl(elContainer),
            x = d.getX(elTd),
            y = d.getY(elTd);
            numWindowWidth = d.getDocumentWidth();    /// The size of the browser frame
            numWindowHeight = d.getDocumentHeight();  /// The size of the browser frame
        //TODO: remove scrolling logic
        // SF doesn't get xy for cells in scrolling table
        // when tbody display is set to block
        if(isNaN(x) || isNaN(y)) {
            // console.log('this.getTbodyEl()',this.getTbodyEl(),'this',this);
            var elTbody = this.getTbodyEl();
            x = elTd.offsetLeft + // cell pos relative to table
                d.getX(elTbody.parentNode) - // plus table pos relative to document
                elTbody.scrollLeft; // minus tbody scroll
            y = elTd.offsetTop + // cell pos relative to table
                d.getY(elTbody.parentNode) - // plus table pos relative to document
                elTbody.scrollTop + // minus tbody scroll
                this.getTheadEl().offsetHeight; // account for fixed THEAD cells
        //alert(x + " : X : width : " + elContainer.offsetWidth);
        if (x + elContainer.offsetWidth > numWindowWidth) {
            x = x - elContainer.offsetWidth + elTd.offsetWidth;
        if (y + elContainer.offsetHeight > numWindowHeight) {
            y = y - elContainer.offsetHeight + elTd.offsetHeight;
        //alert(x + " : X");
        elContainer.style.left = x + 'px';
        elContainer.style.top = y + 'px';
        // console.log('x',x,'y',y,'elContainer',elContainer);
    return true;
于 2013-02-20T18:53:58.740 回答