Tk::Animation 只负责 Gif 文件的动画。在这种情况下,动画意味着始终更改帧。因此,移动仅限于图像内容本身。
如果要在画布上整体移动图像,则必须使用 move 方法。当然,这可以与 gif 动画相结合。
这是一个 gif 从左向右移动的示例:
use strict;
use warnings;
use Tk;
use Tk::Animation;
my $mw = MainWindow->new();
my $canvas = $mw->Canvas(
-width => 200,
-height => 100,
-background => 'black',
-expand => 1,
-fill => 'both',
my $image = $mw->Animation(
-format => 'gif',
-file => 'oi.gif',
# please use this one:
# -- clear transparent background while drawing
$image->set_disposal_method( 1 );
my $id_of_image_in_canvas = $canvas->createImage(
50, 50,
-image=> $image,
# -- store the current mving direction
my $direction = 'moving2left';
$mw->repeat(600, \&move_item_in_canvas);
sub move_item_in_canvas {
# -- get current location
my ($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2) = $canvas->bbox($id_of_image_in_canvas);
# -- compute if to move left or right
my $min_left = 0;
my $max_right = 200;
if( $direction eq 'moving2left' && $x1 > $min_left ) {
# continue moving left
$canvas->move($id_of_image_in_canvas, -10, 0);
}elsif( $direction eq 'moving2left' && $x1 <= $min_left ) {
# change direction, move to the right
$direction = 'moving2right';
$canvas->move($id_of_image_in_canvas, 10, 0);
}elsif( $direction eq 'moving2right' && $x2 < $max_right ) {
# move right
$canvas->move($id_of_image_in_canvas, 10, 0);
}elsif( $direction eq 'moving2right' && $x2 >= $max_right ){
# change direction, move to the left
$direction = 'moving2left';
$canvas->move($id_of_image_in_canvas, -10, 0);
die('Error: don\'t know what to do in this case.');
} # /move_item_in_canvas