我只是想知道如何使 MEMUSAGE 列按降序或升序排列。我搜索了整个网络,但仍然没有找到答案,我得到的最接近的一点是:
tasklist | sort
但是当我尝试使用 /m 进行排序时...:
tasklist | sort /m
Invalid switch.
C:\> tasklist | sort /R /+58
注意:我还需要按“Mem Usage”列对 TASKLIST 进行排序。按第n列排序不友好时对我来说有点累,它是n个字符
在我的计算机上,“Mem Usage”列是第 68 列,我必须将其粘贴到记事本中以帮助正确计算。这是命令行:
tasklist | sort /R /+68
在管道传输到 SORT 之前,在 TASKLIST 中启用 /NH 选项。这会抑制与 SORT 混淆的表头。
tasklist | sort (This will sort the list items in ascending order)
tasklist | sort /R (This will sort the list items in descending order)
如果您键入:排序/?您可以看到 /R 按降序列出项目的位置,详细信息请参见下文:
C:\windows\system32>sort /?
SORT [/R] [/+n] [/M kilobytes] [/L locale] [/REC recordbytes]
[[drive1:][path1]filename1] [/T [drive2:][path2]]
[/O [drive3:][path3]filename3]
/+n Specifies the character number, n, to
begin each comparison. /+3 indicates that
each comparison should begin at the 3rd
character in each line. Lines with fewer
than n characters collate before other lines.
By default comparisons start at the first
character in each line.
/L[OCALE] locale Overrides the system default locale with
the specified one. The ""C"" locale yields
the fastest collating sequence and is
currently the only alternative. The sort
is always case insensitive.
/M[EMORY] kilobytes Specifies amount of main memory to use for
the sort, in kilobytes. The memory size is
always constrained to be a minimum of 160
kilobytes. If the memory size is specified
the exact amount will be used for the sort,
regardless of how much main memory is
The best performance is usually achieved by
not specifying a memory size. By default the
sort will be done with one pass (no temporary
file) if it fits in the default maximum
memory size, otherwise the sort will be done
in two passes (with the partially sorted data
being stored in a temporary file) such that
the amounts of memory used for both the sort
and merge passes are equal. The default
maximum memory size is 90% of available main
memory if both the input and output are
files, and 45% of main memory otherwise.
/REC[ORD_MAXIMUM] characters Specifies the maximum number of characters
in a record (default 4096, maximum 65535).
/R[EVERSE] Reverses the sort order; that is,
sorts Z to A, then 9 to 0.
[drive1:][path1]filename1 Specifies the file to be sorted. If not
specified, the standard input is sorted.
Specifying the input file is faster than
redirecting the same file as standard input.
[drive2:][path2] Specifies the path of the directory to hold
the sort's working storage, in case the data
does not fit in main memory. The default is
to use the system temporary directory.
[drive3:][path3]filename3 Specifies the file where the sorted input is
to be stored. If not specified, the data is
written to the standard output. Specifying
the output file is faster than redirecting
standard output to the same file.
这是在 Windows 2008 服务器和 Windows 7 SP1 上测试的
任务清单 | 排序 /memory /type /R /+35
这是 Peer1 DC /Dell / Windows Vista 类型的脚本。
按 PID 编号对结果进行排序:
C:\> tasklist /NH | sort /R /+29
/NH用于“无标题” - 它跳过任务列表视图的标题
/+29表示倒序从第 30 个字符开始(所以在第 29 个字符之后)
这适用于服务器、家庭或专业版本上的所有 Windows CMD 提示符。
tasklist | sort /+58
/R 告诉 sort 按降序列出项目。