I am trying to create a grid with MiGLayout that is enforced on its children. This means that if I insert a child into grid position (1,1) and the grid's size is [10%!] that this child must NOT be bigger and overlap other cells. The child must be shrunk to fit the Grid cell.
This is what I have so far:
new MigPane("", "[5%!][20%!][5%!][65%!][5%!]", "[45%!][50%!][5%!]");
Now, I insert a big component (a picture that I have no control over) in Grid 1,1, like this:
migPane.add(myImageView, "cell 1 1, width 100%!");
However, that does not seem to restrict the ImageView at all.
How do I tell MiGLayout that I want "myImageView" to be put in grid 1,1 and size it to fit? Is there a "fit" keyword? :)
Note that specifying anything with pixels/points/mm/cm/inches is NOT what I want. My app always runs full-screen and must scale seamlessly (it is not a traditional form app, it is a video system using JavaFX).