I have a flash movie with a dynamic text that supposedly is Arial, and in my windows machine it displays as Arial. But when I tried it in a Mac, it shows as something like Times New Roman.

I tried every property available and can't seem to get it to show as Arial on the Mac.

I found another movie I had that didn't have this problem, so to pinpoint the problem I made a very simple movie. First I took a dynamic text from the other movie that worked and pasted it a new fla. Then I created a new text, and copied every property one by one. When I published it, the original text was showing as Arial, but not the new one, even if they had the same properties! (at least the ones I can edit in flash's properties editor.

I'm using Adobe Flash CS3 Professional.

What do you think can be the problem?? Are there any properties that aren't in the property editor? (I also checked filters, and Transformations)

Both are Dynamic texts, with no Instance Name, "Anti-alias for animation", Multiline, I'm not embeding the font and have checked "Render text as HTML".


5 回答 5


当您使用动态文本字段时,您有两种选择 - 将字体嵌入(部分)到 SWF 中,或者使用设备字体。如果您嵌入,那么实际的字符形状将内置到您的 SWF 中;如果你没有,那么你只包括字体的名称- 如果操作系统没有任何该名称的字体,它将选择默认值。


如果您选择嵌入,则可以保证您的文本将在所有平台上以 Arial 呈现。但是,这只适用于您嵌入的字符。如果您只嵌入大写字母,然后将文本设置为“Hello”,那么您将在屏幕上看到的只有“H”。(小心嵌入整个字体 - 对于将有几兆字节的完整 unicode 字体,因为它们包括日文和中文等等。)

如果您选择不嵌入,那么为避免您遇到的问题,您可能应该使用字体菜单中首先列出的“设备”字体之一:_sans、_serif、_typewriter。在几乎所有情况下,这些都将在 PC 上转换为 Arial、Times 和 Courier,在 Mac 上转换为类似字体。

于 2008-09-19T05:45:48.260 回答

ArialHelvatica 的 Windows 版本。DTP 是在 Mac 上发明的,微软基本上在 Windows 3.0 左右的某个时候创建​​了自己的 Mac 字体版本

于 2008-09-18T20:46:50.663 回答

Use Arial/Helvetica FontFamily

于 2008-09-18T20:37:18.003 回答

If you're not embedding the font then you're at the mercy of the player, and Arial is a Windows-only font. If all you want is the system's sans-serif font, try setting the font name to _sans

于 2008-09-18T20:38:41.680 回答

You can embed fonts in Flash.

于 2008-09-18T20:38:55.003 回答