public void reloadDefConfig(File filepath, String fileInJar) {
File configFile = filepath;
FileConfiguration daConfig = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(configFile);
if (!configFile.exists()){
log.info(logName + "Creating default \"" + fileInJar + "\".");
InputStream defConfigStream = getResource(fileInJar);
if (defConfigStream != null){
YamlConfiguration defConfig = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(defConfigStream);
try {
log.info(logName + "Default config file \"" + fileInJar + "\" wrote.");
} catch (IOException ex){
log.severe(logName + "Could not write config file: " + fileInJar);
} else {
log.warning(logName + "Could not find default \"" + fileInJar + "\" file.");
为了在 JAR 中获取这个config.yml文件并输出它:
# Home section; this next part of code decides how large the radius to check for monsters
# for the /home command if not set it will be auto default to 10x10x10 if you want to
# disable the radius use -1 on the value (note one value with -1 will disable all)
x: 10
y: 10
x: 10
reloadDefConfig(new File(getDataFolder(), "config.yml"), "config.yml");
# Home section; this next part of code decides how large the radius to check for monsters
# for the /home command if not set it will be auto default to 10x10x10 if you want to
# disable the radius use -1 on the value (note one value with -1 will disable all)