我有一个 C++/CLI 项目,它使用 CWinFormsControl 和 CWinFormsView 在我的 MFC 视图中创建 .NET 控件。为此,我需要#include“afxwinforms.h”。
当我对项目运行代码分析时,我总是收到有关我包含的一些 MFC 类的警告。例子:
3>Running Code Analysis...
3>c:\program files\microsoft visual studio 9.0\vc\atlmfc\include\afxwinforms.h(87) : warning: CA1704 : Microsoft.Naming : In method 'CWin32Window::CWin32Window(HWND__*)', correct the spelling of 'Wnd' in parameter name 'hWnd' or remove it entirely if it represents any sort of Hungarian notation.
3>c:\program files\microsoft visual studio 9.0\vc\atlmfc\include\afxwinforms.h(87) : warning: CA1704 : Microsoft.Naming : In method 'CWin32Window::CWin32Window(HWND__*)', correct the spelling of 'h' in parameter name 'hWnd' or remove it entirely if it represents any sort of Hungarian notation.
3>warning: CA1051 : Microsoft.Design : Because field 'CWinFormsEventsHelper::m_pControl' is visible outside of its declaring type, change its accessibility to private and add a property, with the same accessibility as the field has currently, to provide access to it.
3>warning: CA1051 : Microsoft.Design : Because field 'CWinFormsEventsHelper::m_pSink' is visible outside of its declaring type, change its accessibility to private and add a property, with the same accessibility as the field has currently, to provide access to it.
3>c:\program files\microsoft visual studio 9.0\vc\atlmfc\include\afxwinforms.inl(60) : warning: CA1704 : Microsoft.Naming : In method 'CWinFormsEventsHelper::OnHandleCreated(Object^, EventArgs^)', consider providing a more meaningful name than parameter name 'o'.
3>c:\program files\microsoft visual studio 9.0\vc\atlmfc\include\afxwinforms.inl(60) : warning: CA2109 : Microsoft.Security : Consider making 'CWinFormsEventsHelper::OnHandleCreated(Object^, EventArgs^)' not externally visible.
3>c:\program files\microsoft visual studio 9.0\vc\atlmfc\include\afxwinforms.inl(67) : warning: CA1704 : Microsoft.Naming : In method 'CWinFormsEventsHelper::OnHandleDestroyed(Object^, EventArgs^)', consider providing a more meaningful name than parameter name 'o'.
3>c:\program files\microsoft visual studio 9.0\vc\atlmfc\include\afxwinforms.inl(67) : warning: CA2109 : Microsoft.Security : Consider making 'CWinFormsEventsHelper::OnHandleDestroyed(Object^, EventArgs^)' not externally visible.
3>c:\program files\microsoft visual studio 9.0\vc\atlmfc\include\afxwinforms.inl(54) : warning: CA1704 : Microsoft.Naming : Correct the spelling of 'Unadvise' in member name 'CWinFormsEventsHelper::Unadvise(IHandleEvents*)' or remove it entirely if it represents any sort of Hungarian notation.
3>warning: CA1823 : Microsoft.Performance : It appears that field 'context_node_base::_Needs_Context' is never used or is only ever assigned to. Use this field or remove it.
3>warning: CA1812 : Microsoft.Performance : 'context_node<char const *,System::String ^>' is an internal class that is apparently never instantiated. If so, remove the code from the assembly. If this class is intended to contain only static methods, consider adding a private constructor to prevent the compiler from generating a default constructor.
3>c:\program files\microsoft visual studio 9.0\vc\include\msclr\marshal.h(366) : warning: CA2201 : Microsoft.Usage : 'context_node<char const *,System::String ^>::context_node<char const *,System::String ^>(const char*&, String^)' creates an exception of type 'OutOfMemoryException', an exception type that is reserved by the runtime and should never be raised by managed code. If this exception instance might be thrown, use a different exception type.
显然,我想抑制这些 MFC 警告,以便更清楚地看到自己的警告。但是怎么做?我不想为了解决这个问题而禁用我自己的代码中的任何警告。