I send a secondary UI to AirPlay - on iOS 5.1.

On the iPad, the user may use a UIWebView to play a video, and if they have Airplay setup, the video will be sent to the AirPlay device. When the video finishes playing or if the user pauses, the UIWebView does not clear out the image from the AirPlay screen.

If I then load a different URL to the UIWebView, the AirPlay image will clear out, but only after a few seconds.

I've tried to work-around this by loading a blank page, and then reloading the original video page, but that does not seem to work. Any thoughts?


1 回答 1


为了从 UIWebView 中清除其他类型的内容,我碰巧发现以下语句也会立即断开 AirPlay 视频连接,从而显示通过 UIScreen 发送的任何底层辅助 UI。

[myWebView stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString:@"document.body.innerHTML = \"\";"];
于 2012-03-24T04:08:06.017 回答