1) Is mid-sprint acceptance a valid Agile/SCRUM practice? Is it being used anywhere else?
我以前没有听说过中期 sprint 接受。我不相信这是一种有效的敏捷/Scrum 实践。该网站似乎同意“一旦团队致力于工作,产品负责人就不能添加更多工作、在冲刺中期改变路线或进行微观管理。”
2) Expecting half of the work to be completed in half the time is akin to treating it as a 'factory-floor' job, where the nature and complexity of the work at hand is completely deterministic. Since software development is a 'creative' process, such rigid metrics in a highly flexible methodology such as Agile is irrelevant. What do you think?
由于您提到的原因,任何严格的指标通常都不是与开发人员一起使用的好主意。此外,对于可能的情况,开发人员更感兴趣的是在所测量的任何内容中获得及格分数,而不是生产优质产品。这是 Joel Spolsky 的一只臭虫熊 -这里,这里和这里
3) Although my scrum team completes all our commitments just in time for the sprint, we are being questioned for our bad mid-sprint acceptance metrics. Is it completely normal in scrum teams everywhere else to meet their commitments only towards the end of their sprints?
一个成功的 Scrum 团队应该在 sprint 结束时完成他们承诺要做的所有事情。燃尽图应该是可见的,以指导实现这一目标的进展,当然在 sprint 的后半部分将表明 sprint 是否可能成功。在我参与的成功冲刺中,在完成用户故事方面取得稳步进展是正常的,但这不能反映在一半的时间内完成一半的用户故事,我建议反对这种度量标准。