如何在 Excel 2007 Form 中找到CommandButton的“hwnd”值?
我用谷歌搜索过,我尝试了各种建议(其中大部分建议命令按钮具有.hwnd成员属性 - 但它没有)并且没有找到答案。
我可以获得表单的hwnd 值,并且(理论上)应该能够使用 EnumChildWindows 来查找子窗口,包括我的按钮,但这也不起作用。
恐怕你不能,像CommandButtons这样的MS Forms控件根本不是窗口,它们是“无窗口控件”,即它们由MS Forms Runtime作为纯粹的图形抽象绘制到用户窗体表面上,所以没有HWND。
' this may format
' in a worksheet have driver buttons for
Option Explicit: Option Compare Text
Private Sub ControlsDet_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub PaintValid_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub ShowForm_Click()
UFS.Show False
End Sub
Private Sub TextON_Click()
End Sub
' then have a form UFS and put in some controls from the tool box
'put in frames and listboxes and whatever
.have a code module as
Option Explicit: Option Compare Text
' to look at the useage of CtrlName.[_GethWnd] function
' VB has a function for hWnd but VBA hides its brother as [_GetwHnd]
' in VBA there are haves and have_nots
' better than finding each control's position in pixels and then using
'Private Declare Function WindowFromPoint& Lib "user32" (ByVal xPoint&, ByVal yPoint&)
Type RECT ' any type with 4 long int will do
Left As Long
Top As Long
Right As Long
Bottom As Long
End Type
Type RECTxy
X1 As Long
Y1 As Long
X2 As Long
Y2 As Long
End Type
' OK as Private here or public elsewhere
Declare Function GetClientRect& Lib "User32.dll" (ByVal hwnd&, ByRef lpRECT As RECTxy)
Declare Function CreateSolidBrush Lib "gdi32" (ByVal crColor As Long) As Long
Declare Function DeleteObject& Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hndobj&)
Declare Function FillRectXY& Lib "User32.dll" Alias "FillRect" (ByVal Hdc&, lpRECT As RECTxy, ByVal hBrush&)
Declare Function GetDC& Lib "user32" (ByVal hwnd&)
Declare Function DeleteDC& Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hwnd&)
Declare Function TextOut& Lib "GDI32.dll" Alias "TextOutA" (ByVal Hdc&, ByVal x&, ByVal y&, _
ByVal lpString$, ByVal nCount&)
Function RndPale&(Optional R% = 150, Optional G% = 170, Optional B% = 140)
RndPale = RGB(R + Rnd() * (250 - R), G + Rnd() * (255 - G), B + Rnd() * (250 - G))
End Function
Sub PaintAll()
Dim Wc As Control
For Each Wc In UFS.Controls
Showrec Wc
Next Wc
End Sub
Sub Showrec(WCtrl As Control)
Dim hBrush&, Outwr As RECTxy, WCtrlhWnd&, WCtrlHDC&
WCtrlhWnd = WCtrl.[_GethWnd]
If WCtrlhWnd <> 0 Then ' has handle
WCtrlHDC = GetDC(WCtrlhWnd)
GetClientRect WCtrlhWnd, Outwr
hBrush = CreateSolidBrush(RndPale)
FillRectXY WCtrlHDC, Outwr, hBrush
DeleteObject hBrush
DeleteDC WCtrlHDC
DeleteObject WCtrlhWnd
End If
End Sub
Sub LookFrames()
Dim WCtrl As Control, rI%, Ra As Range
Dim Outwr As RECTxy, WCtrlhWnd&
Set Ra = ActiveSheet.Range("e4:r30")
Ra.NumberFormat = "0.0"
UFS.Show False
rI = 4
For Each WCtrl In UFS.Controls
WCtrlhWnd = WCtrl.[_GethWnd]
rI = rI + 1
Cells(rI, 5) = WCtrl.Name
Cells(rI, 6) = TypeName(WCtrl)
Cells(rI, 7) = WCtrlhWnd
Cells(rI, 8) = WCtrl.Left
Cells(rI, 9) = WCtrl.Top
Cells(rI, 10) = WCtrl.Width
Cells(rI, 11) = WCtrl.Height
If WCtrlhWnd <> 0 Then
GetClientRect WCtrlhWnd, Outwr
Cells(rI, 12) = Outwr.X1
Cells(rI, 13) = Outwr.Y1
Cells(rI, 14) = Outwr.X2
Cells(rI, 15) = Outwr.Y2
DeleteObject WCtrlhWnd
End If
Next WCtrl
End Sub
Sub DoTextOn()
UFS.Show False
Dim WHnd&, FHdc&, Tout$, Wc As Control
For Each Wc In UFS.Controls
WHnd = Wc.[_GethWnd]
If WHnd <> 0 Then
FHdc = GetDC(WHnd)
Tout = Wc.Name & " as " & WHnd
TextOut FHdc, 10, 20, Tout, Len(Tout)
DeleteDC FHdc
DeleteObject WHnd
End If
Next Wc
End Sub