I have squid functioning as a reverse proxy with 2 apache and 1 iis server as backends. A page Login.aspx on the iis server redirects to a https:// page on the same server. I have used urlpath_regex to direct all incoming requests for aspx/asp pages on squid to the iis server.

When I type https://www.example.com/Login.aspx I would like squid to simply forward all https requests to the iis server without bothering to decrypt the ssl (I would like this decryption to be done on the iis server only). How can I do this?

I have tried to add https_port but this asks me for an ssl certificate which I do not have (it's on the iis server). I would appreciate it if someone could point me in the right direction.

Thanks, Adi


1 回答 1


在 Squid 处于反向模式时,您不能。有两种方法:

  1. 使用 NAT。
  2. 允许 Squid 解密流量。然后 Squid 也使用 SSL 与服务器通信。
于 2012-03-19T20:50:03.930 回答