- 根据当天计算给定月份迄今为止的工作日数(即今天是 2012 年 3 月 7 日,因此,已经过去了 5 个工作日)
- 根据当天计算给定月份的工作日数(即今天是 2012 年 3 月 7 日,因此,本月还有 17 个工作日。
function isWeekday(year, month, day) {var day = new Date(year, month, day).getDay();return day !=0 && day !=6;}
function getWeekdaysInMonth(month, year) {var days = daysInMonth(month, year);var weekdays = 0;for(var i=0; i< days; i++) {if (isWeekday(year, month, i+1)) weekdays++;}return weekdays;}
function calcBusinessDays(dDate1, dDate2) {
var iWeeks, iDateDiff, iAdjust = 0;
if (dDate2 < dDate1) return -1; // error code if dates transposed
var iWeekday1 = dDate1.getDay(); // day of week
var iWeekday2 = dDate2.getDay();
iWeekday1 = (iWeekday1 == 0) ? 7 : iWeekday1; // change Sunday from 0 to 7
iWeekday2 = (iWeekday2 == 0) ? 7 : iWeekday2;
if ((iWeekday1 > 5) && (iWeekday2 > 5)) iAdjust = 1; // adjustment if both days on weekend
iWeekday1 = (iWeekday1 > 5) ? 5 : iWeekday1; // only count weekdays
iWeekday2 = (iWeekday2 > 5) ? 5 : iWeekday2;
// calculate differnece in weeks (1000mS * 60sec * 60min * 24hrs * 7 days = 604800000)
iWeeks = Math.floor((dDate2.getTime() - dDate1.getTime()) / 604800000)
if (iWeekday1 <= iWeekday2) {
iDateDiff = (iWeeks * 5) + (iWeekday2 - iWeekday1)
} else {
iDateDiff = ((iWeeks + 1) * 5) - (iWeekday1 - iWeekday2)
iDateDiff -= iAdjust // take into account both days on weekend
return (iDateDiff + 1); // add 1 because dates are inclusive