我正在寻求有关在 Python 中表示没有符号链接的文件目录的优雅设计的建议,我可以在其中查询“属于”方面的关系(例如 G 是 /A/B/C 的子目录)。我目前的想法是朝着这个方向发展:


class ADir(object):
    def __init_(self, name, parent=None):
        self.name = name
        self.parent = parent
        self.children = []
    def add_child(self, id):

class AFile(object):
    def __init_(self, name, parent=None):
        self.name = name
        self.parent = parent


通过 StackExchange、Google 等进行搜索会产生许多不同的方法。我发现没有一个似乎利用了给定目录结构的自然边界。



1 回答 1




Then we have the problem to look up elements in the tree. Do we work by index (pretty useless in binary trees)? Some identifier? What type should the identifier have? How do we build paths from those identifiers? How do we represent relative paths?

Which is why we have maps and lists built into many modern languages but no trees. To my knowledge, Scala is one of the few OO languages which support the concept of a generic tree type but only binary trees and even those are somewhat odd.

On top of that, most OO languages don't support enough ways to build classes from fragments of existing classes. You can inherit (but then you get everything), multiple inherit (even more problems), mix in (some features of multiple inheritance without some of the drawbacks). But I'm really missing a feature which says: take method x() from type Foo and method y() from Bar to build Baz.

Without that, an OO based tree base class would need a lot of tweaking for your specific use case while directly implementing the same function would need the same amount (or even less) of code lines.

于 2012-03-07T08:52:48.710 回答