我正在更新一个用 VB6 编写的应用程序。我想在 VS2010 中编写新代码并将其保存在 DLL 中。但我不知道如何调试 DLL 代码。我可以让它从 VS2010 中的测试应用程序中进入 DLL 代码,但不能从 VB6 中的真实应用程序中进入。有什么想法吗?


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When you are running the APP in the VB6 IDE attach the Visual Studio 2010 debugger to the VB6.Exe (Tools -> Attach To Process in VS2010) and select the correct level of Managed Code you are using (DotNet 4.0 or DotNet 2.0 depending on what your DLL was written in). You should have your DotNet Dll project loaded already in Visual Studio 2010, and then you can set break points in your Visual Studio 2010 project.Attach to process

于 2012-03-09T01:54:21.283 回答

您可以在此处获得清晰的教程 。我试过这个工作得很好

于 2012-09-27T06:24:31.323 回答