/t /x
| P(x)*| P(y) dydx
/t0 /t0
其中 P 是一个函数R -> C^(nxn)
,通常是一个矩阵,我想在 Haskell 中执行此操作。我已经为标量函数实现了这一点:
import Numeric.GSL.Integration
import Data.Complex
import Data.List
prec :: Double
prec = 1E-9
integrate :: (Double -> Double) -> Double -> Double -> Double
integrate f a b = fst $ integrateQNG prec f a b
integrateC :: (Double -> Complex Double) -> Double -> Double -> Complex Double
integrateC cf a b = (integrate (\x -> realPart (cf x)) a b :+ integrate (\x -> imagPart (cf x)) a b)
multipleIntegration :: Int -> (Double -> Complex Double) -> Double -> (Double -> Complex Double)
multipleIntegration n f a = foldl' (\ acc g' -> (\ x -> integrateC (g'*acc) a x)) (\_ -> 1:+0) (replicate n f)
到目前为止,这很有效,尽管对于 n>5 来说速度很慢。
现在我需要将此计算扩展到矩阵,我用数字前奏尝试了这个,因为我可以将函数作为矩阵的元素。我能够积分 的矩阵Double -> Complex Double
import MathObj.Matrix as Mat
import Algebra.Ring as AR
import Control.Applicative
import qualified Prelude as P
import Prelude hiding ((*))
import Number.Complex as NC
import Numeric.GSL.Integration
import Data.List
type Complex a = NC.T a
prec :: Double
prec = 1E-9
testMat :: Mat.T (Double -> Complex Double)
testMat = Mat.fromRows 2 2 [[\x-> 0.5 +: 2*x,\y-> cos y +: sin y],[\x-> 0.1*x +:x,\_-> 1 +: 1]]
integrateC :: (Double -> Complex Double) -> Double -> Double -> Complex Double
integrateC cf a b = (integrate (\x -> real (cf x)) a b +: integrate (\x -> imag (cf x)) a b)
integrate :: (Double -> Double) -> Double -> Double -> Double
integrate f a b = fst $ integrateQNG prec f a b
integrateCMat' :: Mat.T (Double -> Complex Double) -> Double -> Mat.T (Double -> Complex Double)
integrateCMat' cmf a = ((\f -> integrateC f a ) <$> cmf)
multipleIntegrationMat :: Int -> Mat.T (Double -> Complex Double) -> Double -> Mat.T (Double -> Complex Double)
multipleIntegrationMat n mf a = integrateCMat' ( testMat * (integrateCMat' testMat a)) a
只是一个测试功能,我没有使用折叠,所以 n 是多余的。错误信息是:
No instance for (C (Double -> Complex Double))
arising from a use of `*'
Possible fix:
add an instance declaration for (C (Double -> Complex Double))
In the first argument of `integrateCMat'', namely
`(testMat * (integrateCMat' testMat a))'
In the expression:
integrateCMat' (testMat * (integrateCMat' testMat a)) a
In an equation for `multipleIntegrationMat':
multipleIntegrationMat n mf a
= integrateCMat' (testMat * (integrateCMat' testMat a)) a
Failed, modules loaded: none.
. 当我尝试使用标量示例时,Number.Complex