除了 GC.Collect、关闭和处置之外,我最终还使用了 GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers。我相信我的网页可能在正确处理垃圾之前提前卸载和停止线程处理(真的吗?)
这是在服务器 2012、SQL 2012、CR 13.0.2000.0
#Region "Cleanup"
Private Sub crCleanup(Optional blnForce As Boolean = False)
' Crystal(code Is Not managed, i.e.it) 's COM interop => you have to manually
' release any objects instantiated. Make sure you set the ref to nothing and
' also call the dispose method if it has one.
' under some conditions, we don't want to destroy the ReportDocument (e.g. report page-to-page navigation)
If blnForce OrElse Me.blnPageHasFatalError OrElse (Not Me.CrystalUseCache) Then ' do not release when using cache! (unless forced)
If Not crReportDocument Is Nothing Then Me.crReportDocument.Close()
If Not crReportDocument Is Nothing Then Me.crReportDocument.Dispose()
If Not thisWebAppUser Is Nothing Then Me.thisWebAppUser.Dispose()
Me.thisWebAppUser.ClearReportCache() ' we are using HttpContext.Current.Cache.Item instead of sessions to save CR document
End If
' the rest of the items, we'll always want to clean up
If Not crParameterFieldDefinitions Is Nothing Then crParameterFieldDefinitions.Dispose()
If Not crParameterFieldDefinition Is Nothing Then crParameterFieldDefinition.Dispose()
crParameterFields = Nothing
crParameterField = Nothing
crParameterFieldName = Nothing
crParameterValues = Nothing
crParameterDiscreteValue = Nothing
crParameterDefaultValue = Nothing
crParameterRangeValue = Nothing
If Not crSections Is Nothing Then crSections.Dispose()
If Not crSection Is Nothing Then crSection.Dispose()
If Not crReportObjects Is Nothing Then crReportObjects.Dispose()
If Not crReportObject Is Nothing Then crReportObject.Dispose()
If Not crSubreportObject Is Nothing Then crSubreportObject.Dispose()
If Not crDatabase Is Nothing Then crDatabase.Dispose()
If Not crTables Is Nothing Then crTables.Dispose()
If Not crTable Is Nothing Then crTable.Dispose()
crLogOnInfo = Nothing
crConnInfo = Nothing
crDiskFileDestinationOptions = Nothing
ConnParam = Nothing
If Not subRepDoc Is Nothing Then subRepDoc.Dispose()
Catch ex As Exception
Me.thisWebAppUser.SendSysAdminMessage("Failed CR cleanup", ex.ToString)
End Try
' yes, use of the GC.Collect (and even more the GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers) is highly controversial
' the reality is that rendering crystal reports is rather slow compared to most web operations
' so it is expected that waiting for GC will have relatively little performance impact
' and will in fact, help tremendously with memory management.
' try setting these values to 1 and confirm for yourself by instantiating multiple crDocuments in different browsers if you don't believe it:
' HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\SAP BusinessObjects\Crystal Reports for .NET Framework 4.0\Report Application Server\InprocServer
' HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\SAP BusinessObjects\Crystal Reports for .NET Framework 4.0\Report Application Server\Server
' or google this error: The maximum report processing jobs limit configured by your system administrator has been reached
' I believe the problem is that on very fast servers, the page unloads and stops processing code to properly cleanup the Crystal Report objects
' This is done in 3 places:
' Report Viewer (Page_Unload and CrystalReportViewer1_Unload) rendering a report will of course always using a processing job
' Report Parameter Selector (Page_Unload) loading a crDocument without rendering a report still counts towards CR processing job limit.
' Custom Control crReportParameterSelectionTable (Public Overrides Sub dispose())
End Sub
Private Sub Page_Unload(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Unload
'If Me.IsCallback Then Exit Sub ' the menutree causes callbacks, but we are not interested
' response object not available here, so cannot redirect (such as in the case of XLS opeing in a separate window)
' if for some crazy reason there is STILL a crReportDocument, set it to nothing
' If Not crReportDocument Is Nothing Then Me.crReportDocument = Nothing
' Me.CrystalReportViewer1 = Nothing
End Sub
Private Sub CrystalReportViewer1_Unload(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles CrystalReportViewer1.Unload
'If Me.IsCallback Then Exit Sub ' the menutree causes callbacks, but we are not interested
End Sub