I'm doing performance-testing research of different JavaScript interpreters on a cluster of old Fedora machines. node/v8, rhino, and spidermonkey shells all work fine on these machines, but JavaScriptCore (jsc), which I have been able to build on my recent Ubuntu box, is missing a shared library dependency (error while loading shared libraries: libicui18n.so.44: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
). I'd therefore like to create a static build of jsc with all dependent libraries compiled in so that I can run it on these old machines. I'm wondering if there's a way to create a static build of webkit, or just jsc, so that I can run jsc on these old machines?
1241 次
1 回答
您正在构建哪个 Webkit?
假设您只是直接构建 jscore,您应该能够--enable-static
使用./configure --enable-static
这应该覆盖configure.ac135 AC_DISABLE_STATIC
构建脚本build-webkit和build-jsc似乎并不总是为所有构建系统和所有平台转发配置参数。我相信 Webkit-GTK 可以。
./autogen.sh --prefix=/yourinstallation/prefixhere --enable-static
传递给autogen.sh的参数在调用 configure 时被传递给 configure。
make jsc
其次是make install
make install
于 2012-03-17T13:30:51.937 回答