I've been having this irritating issue lately. The site I'm currently working on has large aspx pages with tons of client side js code. While I'm typing the Error List window will keep opening and closing at the bottom of VS (where I have the window docked). I mean constantly. This is beyond aggravating as you can imagine. It's happening to a coworker as well. Does anybody else have this issue? Any solutions? (other than smaller pages)

We've got 2008 Pro SP1. I've turned off every JS feature I can find since with pages this large it slows the VS to a crawl while it tries to parse it. I've tried closing the Error list completely but it just re-opens itself.

Thanks in advance, Geoff


2 回答 2

  1. 尝试删除项目目录中的 .user 文件
  2. 使用添加/删除程序对 VS2008 进行修复
  3. 如果这些都不起作用,请将标记复制到新项目并尝试复制。如果您可以重现此问题,请使用详细信息更新此问题。
于 2008-09-18T19:58:07.410 回答

1. Options->Text Editor-> Miscellaneous,
    取消选中“Formal HTML on paste
2. Options->Text Editor->JScript->Formatting
   ”取消选中“Automatic Formatting”下的复选框

于 2008-10-29T00:02:56.887 回答