我正在用 C++ 编写一个灵活的命令行(但时间不长!)菱形正方形生成器。我刚刚写完用户输入的一半。但是,在最后一个命令中,输入“slips”,getchar() 会自动输入一个换行符。我已采取预防措施以确保它不会溢出,即同时刷新标准输入和标准输出。问题仍然存在。这是我的代码:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main () {
unsigned long seed = 0, x = 0, y = 0, initial = 0, range = 0;
int smooth = 0, fail = 1;
char flagchar1 = 'n';
printf("Welcome to my diamond-square generator! This isn't full-feature yet, so I'm just gonna have you input the variables one by one. ");
do {
printf("Please input the seed (this is a positive integer):\n");
fail = scanf("%lu", &seed);
while (fail == 0) {
printf("Try again, smartass.\n");
fail = scanf("%lu", &seed);
fail = 1;
printf("Now input the x, or horizontal, size of your grid:\n");
fail = scanf("%lu", &x);
while (fail == 0) {
printf("An integer. Not a string. An integer. You can do that, can't you?\n");
fail = scanf("%lu", &x);
fail = 1;
printf("Now input the y, or vertical, size of your grid:\n");
fail = scanf("%lu", &y);
while (fail == 0) {
printf("What was that supposed to be? An integer, please.\n");
fail = scanf("%lu", &y);
fail = 1;
printf("Now input about how high you'd like the grid to be (this goes from a scale of 1 to 256):\n");
fail = scanf("%lu", &initial);
while (initial == 0 || initial > 256 || fail == 0) {
printf("ahahahahaha how HIGH do you have to be just to HAVE that hieght........\n");
fail = scanf("%lu", &initial);
fail = 1;
printf("Now input the range of the heights on your grid (this must be equal to or less than 256):\n");
scanf("%lu", &range);
while (range >= 256 || fail == 0) {
printf("What did I say about being equal to or less than 256? Give me something reasonable to work with here.\n");
fail = scanf("%lu", &range);
fail = 1;
printf("Just one more variable to go! Now, I need you to input the smoothness of your grid. Smaller numbers make spikier grids. You can make this negative, but beware!\n");
fail = scanf("%d", &smooth);
while (fail == 0) {
printf("That... was not a number.\n");
fail = scanf("%d", &smooth);
fail = 1;
printf("\nOkay. Are these the values you want?\n Seed: %lu\n Width: %lu\n Length: %lu\n Height: %lu\n Range: %lu\n Smoothness: %d\nDo you want to keep these? Type Y/n.\n", seed, x, y, initial, range, smooth);
flagchar1 = getchar();
} while (flagchar1 != 'y' && flagchar1 != 'Y' && flagchar1 != '\n');
&& flagchar1 != '\n'
这是我的输出,程序已经结束(如果我删除from ,程序只会重复整个 do-while 循环while()
欢迎使用我的菱形生成器!这还不是全功能,所以我会让你一一输入变量。请输入种子(这是一个正整数): 12345678 现在输入网格的 x 或水平尺寸: 40 现在输入网格的 y 或垂直大小: 30 现在输入您希望网格的高度(范围从 1 到 256): 1288 ahahahahahaha你必须有多高才能拥有那个hieght........ 128 现在输入网格上的高度范围(必须等于或小于 256): 30 还有一个变量要走!现在,我需要你输入网格的平滑度。较小的数字使网格更尖。您可以将其设为负数,但请注意! 10 好的。这些是你想要的值吗? 种子:12345678 宽度:40 长度:30 身高:128 范围:30 平滑度:10 你想保留这些吗?键入 Y/n。