和创建了 2 个扩展方法IQueryable
我使用了一个基于*的过滤器(不是?),所以我可以使用底层的 Linq 方法StartsWith()
. 支持的格式:A*、*A、*A*、A*B
var filtered = list.WhereFilter(i => i.Name, "a*", "First Name");
/// <summary>
/// Extension Methods for Filtering on IQueryable and IEnumerable
/// </summary>
internal static class WhereFilterExtensions
/// <summary>
/// Filters a sequence of values based on a filter with asterix characters: A*, *A, *A*, A*B
/// </summary>
/// <param name="source"></param>
/// <param name="selector">Field to use for filtering. (E.g: item => item.Name)</param>
/// <param name="filter">Filter: A*, *A, *A*, A*B</param>
/// <param name="fieldName">Optional description of filter field used in error messages</param>
/// <returns>Filtered source</returns>
public static IEnumerable<T> WhereFilter<T>(this IEnumerable<T> source, Func<T, string> selector, string filter, string fieldName)
if (filter == null)
return source;
if (selector == null)
return source;
int astrixCount = filter.Count(c => c.Equals('*'));
if (astrixCount > 2)
throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("Invalid filter used{0}. '*' can maximum occur 2 times.", fieldName == null ? "" : " for '" + fieldName + "'"));
if (filter.Contains("?"))
throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("Invalid filter used{0}. '?' is not supported, only '*' is supported.", fieldName == null ? "" : " for '" + fieldName + "'"));
// *XX*
if (astrixCount == 2 && filter.Length > 2 && filter.StartsWith("*") && filter.EndsWith("*"))
filter = filter.Replace("*", "");
return source.Where(item => selector.Invoke(item).Contains(filter));
// *XX
if (astrixCount == 1 && filter.Length > 1 && filter.StartsWith("*"))
filter = filter.Replace("*", "");
return source.Where(item => selector.Invoke(item).EndsWith(filter));
// XX*
if (astrixCount == 1 && filter.Length > 1 && filter.EndsWith("*"))
filter = filter.Replace("*", "");
return source.Where(item => selector.Invoke(item).StartsWith(filter));
// X*X
if (astrixCount == 1 && filter.Length > 2 && !filter.StartsWith("*") && !filter.EndsWith("*"))
string startsWith = filter.Substring(0, filter.IndexOf('*'));
string endsWith = filter.Substring(filter.IndexOf('*') + 1);
return source.Where(item => selector.Invoke(item).StartsWith(startsWith) && selector.Invoke(item).EndsWith(endsWith));
// XX
if (astrixCount == 0 && filter.Length > 0)
return source.Where(item => selector.Invoke(item).Equals(filter));
// *
if (astrixCount == 1 && filter.Length == 1)
return source;
// Invalid Filter
if (astrixCount > 0)
throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("Invalid filter used{0}.", fieldName == null ? "" : " for '" + fieldName + "'"));
// Empty string: all results
return source;
/// <summary>
/// Filters a sequence of values based on a filter with asterix characters: A*, *A, *A*, A*B
/// </summary>
/// <param name="source"></param>
/// <param name="selector">Field to use for filtering. (E.g: item => item.Name) </param>
/// <param name="filter">Filter: A*, *A, *A*, A*B</param>
/// <param name="fieldName">Optional description of filter field used in error messages</param>
/// <returns>Filtered source</returns>
public static IQueryable<T> WhereFilter<T>(this IQueryable<T> source, Expression<Func<T, string>> selector, string filter, string fieldName)
if (filter == null)
return source;
if (selector == null)
return source;
int astrixCount = filter.Count(c => c.Equals('*'));
if (astrixCount > 2)
throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("Invalid filter used{0}. '*' can maximum occur 2 times.", fieldName==null?"":" for '" + fieldName + "'"));
if (filter.Contains("?"))
throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("Invalid filter used{0}. '?' is not supported, only '*' is supported.", fieldName == null ? "" : " for '" + fieldName + "'"));
// *XX*
if (astrixCount == 2 && filter.Length > 2 && filter.StartsWith("*") && filter.EndsWith("*"))
filter = filter.Replace("*", "");
return source.Where(
Expression.Lambda<Func<T, bool>>(
Expression.Call(selector.Body, "Contains", null, Expression.Constant(filter)),
// *XX
if (astrixCount == 1 && filter.Length > 1 && filter.StartsWith("*"))
filter = filter.Replace("*", "");
return source.Where(
Expression.Lambda<Func<T, bool>>(
Expression.Call(selector.Body, "EndsWith", null, Expression.Constant(filter)),
// XX*
if (astrixCount == 1 && filter.Length > 1 && filter.EndsWith("*"))
filter = filter.Replace("*", "");
return source.Where(
Expression.Lambda<Func<T, bool>>(
Expression.Call(selector.Body, "StartsWith", null, Expression.Constant(filter)),
// X*X
if (astrixCount == 1 && filter.Length > 2 && !filter.StartsWith("*") && !filter.EndsWith("*"))
string startsWith = filter.Substring(0, filter.IndexOf('*'));
string endsWith = filter.Substring(filter.IndexOf('*') + 1);
return source.Where(
Expression.Lambda<Func<T, bool>>(
Expression.Call(selector.Body, "StartsWith", null, Expression.Constant(startsWith)),
Expression.Lambda<Func<T, bool>>(
Expression.Call(selector.Body, "EndsWith", null, Expression.Constant(endsWith)),
// XX
if (astrixCount == 0 && filter.Length > 0)
return source.Where(
Expression.Lambda<Func<T, bool>>(
Expression.Equal(selector.Body, Expression.Constant(filter)),
// *
if (astrixCount == 1 && filter.Length == 1)
return source;
// Invalid Filter
if (astrixCount > 0)
throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("Invalid filter used{0}.", fieldName == null ? "" : " for '" + fieldName + "'"));
// Empty string: all results
return source;