我编写了一个简单的基于 Win32 API 对话框的应用程序,其中包含丰富的编辑控件。该控件显示基于 ANSI 的文本文件的内容并进行一些非常基本的语法突出显示。
我正在使用 Visual C++ 2010 Express 编写代码,当我在发布模式下编译时,一切正常。但是,当我在调试模式下编译时,程序运行,语法突出显示似乎正在发生,但控件中的文本没有改变颜色。
CHARFORMATA _token; // This variable is actually a member variable.
// I just pasted it in the body of the function
// so the code would make sense.
// _control is a pointer to a rich edit control object. I created a
// REdit class that adds member variables for a rich edit control.
// The class contains an HWND member variable storing the window
// handle. The method GetHandle() returns the window handle.
void SyntaxHighlighter::ColorSelection(COLORREF color)
_token.cbSize = sizeof(CHARFORMATA);
_token.dwMask = CFM_COLOR;
_token.crTextColor = color;
SendMessageA(_control->GetHandle(), EM_SETCHARFORMAT,