我怎样才能让 genOut/String 着火?
module IOStream where
import System.IO
import System.IO.Unsafe
class Out a where
out :: a → String
instance Show a ⇒ Out a where
out = show
outString :: String → String
outString = id
{-# RULES "genOut/String" out = outString #-}
infixl 9 <<, ≪
(≪), (<<) :: Out a ⇒ IO Handle → a → IO Handle
(<<)= (≪)
h ≪ a = do
s ← h
hPutStr s $ out a
return s
cout, cin, cerr :: IO Handle
cout = return stdout
cin = return stdin
cerr = return stderr
endl :: String
endl = "\n"
--infixr 9 ∘ °
(∘) = (.)
(°) = flip (∘)
module Main where
import System.IO
import IOStream
foreign import ccall "pi.h f_" f_ :: IO Double
main :: IO Int
main = do
--putStrLn . show =<< f_
-- ((≪ endl) . (cout ≪)) =<< f_
(cout ≪) ° (≪ endl) =<< f_
return 0
cetin@unique:~/lab/c/linking/demo$ ghc --version
The Glorious Glasgow Haskell Compilation System, version 6.10.2
cetin@unique:~/lab/c/linking/demo$ ghc -fglasgow-exts -O2 -ddump-simpl-stats -XUndecidableInstances -O2 iostream.hs main.hs pi_v2.o -o hsex2
==================== FloatOut stats: ====================
0 Lets floated to top level; 1 Lets floated elsewhere; from 3 Lambda groups
==================== FloatOut stats: ====================
0 Lets floated to top level; 0 Lets floated elsewhere; from 5 Lambda groups
==================== Grand total simplifier statistics ====================
Total ticks: 184
40 PreInlineUnconditionally
45 PostInlineUnconditionally
24 UnfoldingDone
8 LetFloatFromLet
4 EtaReduction
57 BetaReduction
6 KnownBranch
11 SimplifierDone
==================== FloatOut stats: ====================
0 Lets floated to top level; 0 Lets floated elsewhere; from 1 Lambda groups
==================== FloatOut stats: ====================
3 Lets floated to top level; 0 Lets floated elsewhere; from 1 Lambda groups
==================== Grand total simplifier statistics ====================
Total ticks: 218
42 PreInlineUnconditionally
57 PostInlineUnconditionally
33 UnfoldingDone
9 LetFloatFromLet
1 EtaReduction
66 BetaReduction
10 KnownBranch
12 SimplifierDone
cetin@unique:~/lab/c/linking/demo$ ./hsex2
cetin@unique:~/lab/c/linking/demo$ ./hsex2