I know this might sound stupid, but I'm new to assembly language, so please bear with me!
I have following assembly code, which is the simplified version of what I was trying to do.
1 # print.s
2 # C callable: char* print()
4 .data
5 output:
6 .asciz "abcd"
8 .text
9 .globl _printbin
11 _printbin:
12 pushl %ebp # set up stack frame
13 movl %esp, %ebp # save esp in ebp
15 movl $output, %eax # put the address of "abcd" in eax
17 xor %ebx, %ebx # clear ebx
18 movl $5, %ebx # put 5 in ebx (input for func)
19 movl $0, %edx # put 1 in edx (index)
20 jmp _func # call func
22 back1:
23 xor %ebx, %ebx # clear ebx
24 movl $7, %ebx # put 7 in ebx (input for func)
25 movl $2, %edx # put 2 in edx (index)
26 jmp _func # call func
28 end:
29 movl %ebp, %esp # restore esp
30 popl %ebp # restore ebp
31 ret
33 # take the input, add 1 to it,
34 # then print it to eax at the specified index
35 _func: # num input in %ebx, index is in %edx , print to: %eax
36 addb $0x1, %ebx # print the result to eax
37 movb %ebx, (%eax, %edx)
38 jmp back1 # how to decide wether to jump to back1 or to end?
40 .end
THe question is, how do I jump to a some kind of "variable" label. (So sometimes I want to jump to this label, but some other times another label... that kind of idea.)