您可以使用的一件事是使用 indexOf() 获取“开始”和“结束”的索引,然后直接使用:
QString x = "start some text here end";
QString s = "start";
QString e = "end"
int start = x.indexOf(s, 0, Qt::CaseInsensitive); // returns the first encounter of the string
int end = x.indexOf(e, Qt::CaseInsensitive); // returns 21
if(start != -1) // we found it
QString y = x.mid(start + s.length(), end);
或 midRef 如果您不想创建新列表。您可能还必须处理“结束”,否则您可能会从 0 变为 -1,这不会返回任何内容。也许(结束>开始?结束:开始)
编辑:没关系。如果 end == -1 这意味着它将返回所有内容直到结束(默认情况下,第二个参数是 -1)。如果您不想要这个,您可以使用我的示例,并在选择“结束”时使用某种 if 语句
#include <QDebug>
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
QString x = "start some text here end";
QString s = "start";
QString e = "end";
int start = x.indexOf(s, 0, Qt::CaseInsensitive);
int end = x.indexOf(e, Qt::CaseInsensitive);
if(start != -1){ // we found it
QString y = x.mid(start + s.length(), ((end - (start + s.length())) > -1 ? (end - (start + s.length())) : -1)); // if you dont wanna pass in a number less than -1
QString y = x.mid(start + s.length(), (end - (start + s.length()))); // should not be any issues passing in a number less than -1, still works
qDebug() << y << (start + s.length()) << (end - (start + s.length()));
x = "这里开始一些文字结束" => "这里一些文字" 5 16
x = " some text here end" => 没有输出
x =“测试开始在这里开始一些文字结束”=>“在这里开始一些文字”13 22
x = "测试开始在这里开始一些文本" => "在这里开始一些文本" 13 -14
#include <QDebug>
#include <QRegExp>
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
QRegExp rxlen("(start)(.*(?=$|end))");
rxlen.setMinimal(true); // it's lazy which means that if it finds "end" it stops and not trying to find "$" which is the end of the string
int pos = rxlen.indexIn("test start testing some text start here fdsfdsfdsend test ");
if (pos > -1) { // if the string matched, which means that "start" will be in it, followed by a string
qDebug() << rxlen.cap(2); // " testing some text start here fdsfdsfds"
This works even if you done have "end" in the end, then it just parse to the end of the line. Enjoy!