我知道解析嵌套字符串或 HTML 最好由真正的解析器完成,但在我的情况下,我有简单的模板,并且想从模板中提取 Wiki 参数“标题”的标题内容。我花了一段时间才实现这一点,但感谢 Lars Olav Torvik ( http://regex.larsolavtorvik.com/ ) 的正则表达式工具和这个用户论坛,我得到了它。可能有人觉得它有用。(我们都想贡献,他,不是吗?;-) 以下带有注释的代码可以解决问题。我必须通过环顾断言来做到这一点,以便在其中一个没有标题的情况下将两个模板混合在一起。

我还不确定正则表达式注释中的两个问题——看看(?# Questions: …)——我是否理解(?R). 是不是它从最外层定义的级别(即第二个正则表达式行\{\{和最后一个正则表达式行)获取要检查的内容\}\}?那会是正确的吗?+++之前的替代展位工作有什么区别(?R),所以在测试时似乎如此。

  1. 页面上的原始 wiki 模板(最简单):

    $wikiTemplate = "
    | title = (1. template) title
    | any parameter = something {{template}}
    | title = (3. template) title
  2. 替换:

    $wikiTemplate = preg_replace(
      // tag all templates with START … END and add a TITLE-placeholder before
      // and take care of balanced {{ …  }} recursiveness 
        "@(?s)   (?# switch to dotall match, i.e. also linebreaks )
          \{\{ (?# find two {{ )
          (?: (?# group 1 as a non-backreferenced match  )
            (?:  (?# group 2 as a non-backreferenced match  )
              (?! (?# in group 1 anything but not {{ or }} )
                |   (?# or )
            )++  (?# Question: what is the differenc between ++ and + here? )
            |    (?# or )
            (?R) (?# is it recursive of what is defined in the outermost,
                  i.e. 2nd regexp line with \{\{ and last line with \}\}
                  Question: is that here understood correctly? ) 
          * (?# zero or many times of the inner regexp defintions )
          \}\} (?# find two }} )
        @x",// x-extended → ignore white space in the pattern
      // replace TITLE by single line content of title parameter 
          (?<=TITLE) (?# TITLE must preceed the following linebreak but is not
                      backreferenced within \\0, i.e. the whole returned match)
          ([\n\r]+)  (?#linebr in 1 may also described as . because of
                      s-modifier dotall)
          (?:        (?# start non-backreferenced match )
            .        (?# any character but not followed by START)
          )+      (?# multiple times)
          (?:     (?# start non-backreferenced match )
            \|\s*title\s*=\s* (?#find the parameter '| title = ')
          ([^\r\n]+)  (?#get title now to \\2 but exclude the line break. 
                       Note it is buggy when there is no line break )
          (?:     (?# start non-backreferenced match )
            .     (?# any character but not followed by END)
          +       (?# multiple times)
          .       (?# any single character, e.g. the last  because as all
                   stuff before captures anything not followed by END)
          (?:END) (?#a not backreferenced END)
        @msx", // m-multiline, s-dotall match also linebreaks,
               // x-extended → ignore white space in the pattern
        "TITLE\nSTART\\0END", // \0 is the whole returned match, i.e. the template
      # replace the TITLE to  TITLEtitle contentTITLE…
  3. 然后输出带有每个模板上方由 TITLE 标记的标题,但前提是有标题:

    TITLE(1. template) titleTITLE
     | title = (1. template) title
     | any parameter = something {{template}}
    TITLE(3. template) titleTITLE
     | title = (3. template) title



1 回答 1


++是所有格量词。如果您在任何重复量词 ( +, *, {...}) 后面附加 a +,它就会变成所有格。这意味着正则表达式引擎将不会回溯并尝试更少的重复,一旦它第一次离开重复。所以他们基本上使重复成为一个原子组。有时这是一种优化,有时它实际上会有所作为。你可以在这里做一些很好的阅读

关于你的第二个问题, yes (?R)只会尝试再次匹配完整模式。为此,可以在 PCRE 的 PHP 文档中找到一篇很好的文章。

对于您的其他问题,更好的提问位置可能是Code Review

于 2012-11-07T01:19:21.130 回答