I'm trying to learn how to use WPF commands, and how they fit into the MVVM pattern. I understand that some controls, like a button or menu, have a Command property which when set to an instance of an ICommand class connects the button to that command. Once this is set the button will then disable and enable with the CanExecuteChanged event of the command, and clicking the control will call the Execute method of the command.

However, where should the instance of each ICommand live? I've seen various different options in tutorials and I'm not sure which is correct. In some examples a static "ApplicationCommands" class is created and an instance of each command is assigned to a static property of that class. In other examples I've seen commands set as properties of the ViewModel, and in others of the View/Window itself. What's the preferred place for the command instances to live?

Also, how does a command relate back to the View, View Model, or Model? Which of these components should the command be aware of and or manipulate? What should happen when a command is executed? Should it call some method of the Model which then communicates changes back to the View Model/View? Or should a command communicate to the model through a method of the View Model?


2 回答 2




see 命令设置为 ViewModel 的属性,以及 View/Window 本身的其他属性。

如果命令正在处理数据,那么 ViewModel 是它的好地方。如果命令不需要对数据做任何事情,则将其放在 View 后面的代码中(因为它与 ViewModel 无关,您不需要用它污染 ViewModel)。一个有趣的情况是,当您正在执行诸如弹出对话框以响应击键之类的操作时,您需要将当前选定的网格项传递给对话框 - 命令应该放在哪里?在这种情况下,我会将它放在视图后面的代码中,因为没有令人信服的理由将它放在 ViewModel 中 - 如有必要,视图可以从 ViewModel 中检索所选项目。

很多时候,我看到不必要地将命令放入 ViewModel 只是因为人们认为这是唯一的方法。我使用的经验法则是:如果它正在做与 UI 相关的工作,那么它属于视图背后的代码。如果它正在做与数据相关的工作,那么它可以进入 ViewModel。如果它正在混合使用,请考虑在 View 和 ViewModel 之间分解功能。


只有它需要知道的那些。从 ViewModel 访问像模型这样的组件应该通过正确定义的属性或返回接口的函数来完成,这是为了避免紧密耦合。


从 ViewModel 访问模型的命令没有问题。该命令可以更新 ViewModel 或 Model 上的属性,并且通过数据绑定和属性通知的魔力,这些更新可以反映在 UI 中。

于 2012-03-01T00:20:56.367 回答


这些命令可以作用于 ViewModel 和 Model,如何操作取决于您,我通常只是从命令中调用 VM 上的相应方法,Execute以保持命令初始化代码简洁。


于 2012-03-01T00:10:38.717 回答