我是一个尝试读取 SGML 文件的 Perl 新手,对其进行解析然后将其转换为 XML,这样我就可以获得所有元素的键/值对。我找到了SGML::DTDParseXML::Simple模块,因为我认为这是我想要的任务。我的问题是我找不到关于 DTDParse 的任何文档或任何代码示例。


# use modules
use SGML::DTDParse;
use XML::Simple;
use Data::Dumper;

use warnings;
use strict;

my $xml;
my $data;
my $convert;

$/ = undef;
open FILE, "C:/..." or die $!;
my $file = <FILE>;

# Convert the DTD file to XML
dtdParse $file;

# Create the XML object
$xml = new XML::Simple;

# Read the XML file
$data = $xml->XMLin($file);

# print the output
print Dumper($data);

我在 dtdParse $file 行中遇到如下错误:Can't call method "dtdParse" without an package or object reference at "my script name"


我再次修改了代码,并能够使用以下代码进行 dtd 解析:

$dtd = SGML::DTDParse::DTD->new();
print $dtd;

我不相信解析的文件可以被认为是 xml,所以也许从解析的文件中获取所有元素的正确方法是 for 循环。


3 回答 3


没有函数 dtdParse。

dtdparse 是一个带有 SGML::DTDParse 模块的程序。

您可以使用它从 dtd 文件中转储 xml。一个如何使用 dtdparse 的简单示例:

use strict;
use warnings;

use SGML::DTDParse;
use XML::Simple;
use Data::Dumper;

# Convert the DTD file to XML
my $result = qx{dtdparse test.dtd};

# Create the XML object
my $xml = new XML::Simple;

# Read the XML file
$result = $xml->XMLin($result);

# print the output
$Data::Dumper::Indent = 1;
print Dumper($result);

其中 test.dtd 看起来像这样:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!ELEMENT DatabaseInventory (DatabaseName+)>
<!ELEMENT DatabaseName (   GlobalDatabaseName
                         , OracleSID
                         , DatabaseDomain
                         , Administrator+
                         , DatabaseAttributes
                         , Comments)
<!ELEMENT GlobalDatabaseName (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT OracleSID          (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT DatabaseDomain     (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT Administrator      (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT DatabaseAttributes EMPTY>
<!ELEMENT Comments           (#PCDATA)>

<!ATTLIST Administrator       EmailAlias CDATA #REQUIRED>
<!ATTLIST Administrator       Extension  CDATA #IMPLIED>
<!ATTLIST DatabaseAttributes  Type       (Production|Development|Testing) #REQUIRED>
<!ATTLIST DatabaseAttributes  Version    (7|8|8i|9i) "9i">

<!ENTITY AUTHOR "Jeffrey Hunter">
<!ENTITY WEB    "www.iDevelopment.info">
<!ENTITY EMAIL  "jhunter@iDevelopment.info">


$VAR1 = {
  'namecase-entity' => '0',
  'created-by' => 'DTDParse V2.00',
  'public-id' => '',
  'version' => '1.0',
  'attlist' => {
    'DatabaseAttributes' => {
      'attribute' => {
        'Type' => {
          'value' => 'Production Development Testing',
          'type' => '#REQUIRED',
          'default' => '',
          'enumeration' => 'yes'
        'Version' => {
          'value' => '7 8 8i 9i',
          'type' => '',
          'default' => '9i',
          'enumeration' => 'yes'
      'attdecl' => '  Type       (Production|Development|Testing) #REQUIRED'
    'Administrator' => {
      'attribute' => {
        'EmailAlias' => {
          'value' => 'CDATA',
          'type' => '#REQUIRED',
          'default' => ''
        'Extension' => {
          'value' => 'CDATA',
          'type' => '#IMPLIED',
          'default' => ''
      'attdecl' => '       EmailAlias CDATA #REQUIRED'
  'element' => {
    'OracleSID' => {
      'content-type' => 'mixed',
      'content-model-expanded' => {
        'sequence-group' => {
          'pcdata' => {}
      'content-model' => {
        'sequence-group' => {
          'pcdata' => {}
    'Comments' => {
      'content-type' => 'mixed',
      'content-model-expanded' => {
        'sequence-group' => {
          'pcdata' => {}
      'content-model' => {
        'sequence-group' => {
          'pcdata' => {}
    'DatabaseAttributes' => {
      'content-type' => 'element',
      'content-model-expanded' => {
        'empty' => {}
      'content-model' => {
        'empty' => {}
    'GlobalDatabaseName' => {
      'content-type' => 'mixed',
      'content-model-expanded' => {
        'sequence-group' => {
          'pcdata' => {}
      'content-model' => {
        'sequence-group' => {
          'pcdata' => {}
    'Administrator' => {
      'content-type' => 'mixed',
      'content-model-expanded' => {
        'sequence-group' => {
          'pcdata' => {}
      'content-model' => {
        'sequence-group' => {
          'pcdata' => {}
    'DatabaseInventory' => {
      'content-type' => 'element',
      'content-model-expanded' => {
        'sequence-group' => {
          'element-name' => {
            'occurrence' => '+',
            'name' => 'DatabaseName'
      'content-model' => {
        'sequence-group' => {
          'element-name' => {
            'occurrence' => '+',
            'name' => 'DatabaseName'
    'DatabaseDomain' => {
      'content-type' => 'mixed',
      'content-model-expanded' => {
        'sequence-group' => {
          'pcdata' => {}
      'content-model' => {
        'sequence-group' => {
          'pcdata' => {}
    'DatabaseName' => {
      'content-type' => 'element',
      'content-model-expanded' => {
        'sequence-group' => {
          'element-name' => {
            'Comments' => {},
            'OracleSID' => {},
            'DatabaseAttributes' => {},
            'DatabaseDomain' => {},
            'GlobalDatabaseName' => {},
            'Administrator' => {
              'occurrence' => '+'
      'content-model' => {
        'sequence-group' => {
          'element-name' => {
            'Comments' => {},
            'OracleSID' => {},
            'DatabaseAttributes' => {},
            'DatabaseDomain' => {},
            'GlobalDatabaseName' => {},
            'Administrator' => {
              'occurrence' => '+'
  'entity' => {
    'WEB' => {
      'text-expanded' => 'www.iDevelopment.info',
      'text' => 'www.iDevelopment.info',
      'type' => 'gen'
    'AUTHOR' => {
      'text-expanded' => 'Jeffrey Hunter',
      'text' => 'Jeffrey Hunter',
      'type' => 'gen'
    'EMAIL' => {
      'text-expanded' => 'jhunter@iDevelopment.info',
      'text' => 'jhunter@iDevelopment.info',
      'type' => 'gen'
  'system-id' => 'test.dtd',
  'unexpanded' => '1',
  'created-on' => 'Tue Feb 28 00:44:52 2012',
  'declaration' => '',
  'xml' => '0',
  'title' => '?untitled?',
  'namecase-general' => '1'
于 2012-02-27T23:43:10.520 回答

dtdparse不是 Perl 函数;它是用于从命令行处理 SGML DTD 的脚本。该脚本的文档在此处

由于您想在自己的 Perl 脚本中进行解析,因此如果您愿意,可以使用源代码dtdparse作为示例。

于 2012-02-27T23:55:57.873 回答

对于 SGML,使用James Clark 的 SP,其中包括一个SGML 到 XML 的转换器,称为 SX。这是一个专业的系统,它确实有文档。如果您在其中需要 Perl,请使用systemopen调用 SP/SX 作为外部程序。

于 2012-02-28T00:43:44.483 回答