流行的主题模型 Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA),当用于从语料库中提取主题时,会返回在字典单词上具有不同概率分布的不同主题。
实际上,LDA 被广泛用于提取主题。如果每次分类都返回不同的主题分布,LDA 如何保持一致性?
考虑这个简单的例子。取文档样本,其中 D 表示文档:
D1: Linear Algebra techniques for dimensionality reduction
D2: dimensionality reduction of a sample database
D3: An introduction to linear algebra
D4: Measure of similarity and dissimilarity of different web documents
D5: Classification of data using database sample
D6: overfitting due lack of representative samples
D7: handling overfitting in descision tree
D8: proximity measure for web documents
D9: introduction to web query classification
D10: classification using LSI
每行代表一个文档。在上述语料库中,LDA 模型用于从文档中生成主题。Gensim 用于 LDA,执行批量 LDA,其中选择的主题数为 4,通过数为 20。
现在在原始语料库上执行批量 LDA,20 次通过后生成的主题是:
topic #0: 0.045*query + 0.043*introduction + 0.042*similarity + 0.042*different + 0.041*reduction + 0.040*handling + 0.039*techniques + 0.039*dimensionality + 0.039*web + 0.039*using
topic #1: 0.043*tree + 0.042*lack + 0.041*reduction + 0.040*measure + 0.040*descision + 0.039*documents + 0.039*overfitting + 0.038*algebra + 0.038*proximity + 0.038*query
topic #2: 0.043*reduction + 0.043*data + 0.042*proximity + 0.041*linear + 0.040*database + 0.040*samples + 0.040*overfitting + 0.039*lsi + 0.039*introduction + 0.039*using
topic #3: 0.046*lsi + 0.045*query + 0.043*samples + 0.040*linear + 0.040*similarity + 0.039*classification + 0.039*algebra + 0.039*documents + 0.038*handling + 0.037*sample
现在批量 LDA 再次在相同的原始语料库上执行,在这种情况下生成的主题是:
topic #0: 0.041*data + 0.041*descision + 0.041*linear + 0.041*techniques + 0.040*dimensionality + 0.040*dissimilarity + 0.040*database + 0.040*reduction + 0.039*documents + 0.038*proximity
topic #1: 0.042*dissimilarity + 0.041*documents + 0.041*dimensionality + 0.040*tree + 0.040*proximity + 0.040*different + 0.038*descision + 0.038*algebra + 0.038*similarity + 0.038*techniques
topic #2: 0.043*proximity + 0.042*data + 0.041*database + 0.041*different + 0.041*tree + 0.040*techniques + 0.040*linear + 0.039*classification + 0.038*measure + 0.038*representative
topic #3: 0.043*similarity + 0.042*documents + 0.041*algebra + 0.041*web + 0.040*proximity + 0.040*handling + 0.039*dissimilarity + 0.038*representative + 0.038*tree + 0.038*measure
那么,如果 LDA 在 LSI 等主题中没有相同的词分布,它如何有效地工作呢?