为 iOS / Android 实现可允许多变量测试的基于 html5 的移动应用程序的最佳策略是什么?将 html A/B 文件放在服务器上并按需交付它们是一个好主意,还是有更好的策略来避免将应用程序重新发送给 Apple 的审查团队?


1 回答 1


I'm one of the developers of a HTML5 multivariate testing framework called xander. For mobile apps, IMO it's best to bake the variants in with your app. App updates can be issued for new or changed variants. This can avoid the slowness of server calls.

Our github is here: https://github.com/255BITS/xander

The xander.io service is here: http://xander.io

于 2012-11-30T18:35:28.680 回答