I have wpf / wso2 installed, and every time I run the php executable, I get garbage output from it:

[joshua@host1 ~]$ php
[Mon Feb 27 11:50:43 2012] [info]  Cannot find path /srv/joshua/wsf_c/services.
[Mon Feb 27 11:50:43 2012] [info]  [rampart] rampart_mod initialized
[Mon Feb 27 11:50:43 2012] [info]  [rahas]Rahas module initialized

How can I suppress/disable this output. I cannot read the output from my scripts due to these lines being generated repeatedly.


1 回答 1


These can be redirected to a log by the setting:


in php.ini

They are generated by the setting:

wsf.log_level = 3
于 2012-02-27T11:58:42.877 回答