I've a class with few properties A, B, C. I consider this as an input object as I use this in the logic to run some rules based on the values of these properties. Now, after running the rules, I created another class as an output with the same properties and with same values in addition to few other properties specific to the output.

Now, my question is how do I share these properties (A, B, C) among both the input and output classes without having to assign the value from input to the output manually. Can you suggest me an effective design I need to use? Is the abstract class concept comes into picture here? Or is there any other effective way?


5 回答 5


Use an intermediate class that only has the properties and then access the instance of that class from your input and output objects, however in most instances it would be simpler to copy the values from your input to your output.

于 2009-06-03T16:22:45.810 回答

Did you considered to use singleton design pattern? I'm not familiar with specification of your project, but seem like it can help you or at least will give you direction.

于 2009-06-03T16:25:37.947 回答

您可以像这样在输出类上定义一个隐式运算符 (C#):

public static implicit operator OutputClass(InputClass m) 
   this.A = m.A;
   this.B = m.B;
   this.C = m.C;


output = input;


于 2009-06-03T16:28:07.980 回答

选项 - 单例 - 有效,但取决于重用场景。您是否使用“new MyObj()”以外的任何类型的工厂或实例模式?如果是这样,工厂可以完成这项工作——这会导致下一个方法——注射。您的语言是否支持注入或某种(又名 - 弹簧)。您可以定义一个 setter 方法,但将其留给注入框架和/或工厂方法来处理/执行设置 - 再次取决于用例。

如果它基于运行时,您将需要使用组合 - 委托给原始对象的引用或中间对象(依次包装 A、BC 等)。



于 2009-06-03T16:29:14.610 回答


class input 
   public int A { get; set;}
   public int B { get; set;}
   public int C { get; set;}

class output : input {
   public int D { get; set;}
   public int E { get; set;}
   public int F { get; set;}


void main()
    output tpt = new output();
    tpt.A = 3;
    tpt.B = 2;
    tpt.C = 4;

    tpt = dosomething((input)tpt);

public output dosomething(input inpt)
    output tpt = (output)inpt;
    tpt.D = 1;
    tpt.E = 2;
    tpt.F = 3;

    return tpt;
于 2009-06-03T16:33:01.473 回答