Amazon has a terrifically useful search functionality where you specify the 'node' id and 'field-date' in order to retrieve the new releases of that particular day. You can even specify what artist you want to search for!

However, so far I have been unable to use this specific function in the API through the Ruby amazon_product wrapper. When I call the method the web services api disregards the data parameter and simply returns me all albums by that particular artist. My expectation is that amazon has turned off the 'date' parameter entirely for the product api; as it is nowhere to be found in the Product Advertising API Developer guide. Yet, does anyone know how to access this functionality or know of other ways to reach the same end result with an entirely different method?

req = AmazonProduct["us"]

    req.configure do |c|
      c.key    = 'key'
      c.secret = 'secretkey'
      c.tag    = 'tag'

    res = req.search('Music', :keywords => "sleigh+bells", :date => 20120221)

1 回答 1


不知道你是否仍然感兴趣,但我也在研究如何让它发挥作用。查看问题顶部提供的链接,参数可能需要是“字段日期”,因为这就是亚马逊在其 URL 中的内容。

正如您所说,我在 API 文档中找不到此参考,但您可以按发布日期订购,最新的优先。然后你可以存储一个你看过的版本的数据库,然后检查每个版本,看看你的数据库中是否已经有它,如果没有,它是新的。

于 2012-03-02T13:29:20.433 回答