I coded up this program which will take an infix notation expression and build a binary tree from it. Right now the only input expression that actually works would be like 2 + 2. I can't seem to figure out at all how to make it handle parenthesis and take in longer expressions such as ( ( 2 + 2 ) * 3 ). For my output I am trying to get it into postfix notation and also evaluate the expression. So right now if I plug in 2 + 2 without the parenthesis my output is 22+ and it evaluates it so it prints 4.
I need to figure out a way for it to print out the output with spaces in between each number and operator and also get it to accept longer expressions with parenthesis. I have no idea right now how to continue from here. Can anyone please help me out?
This is my code:
class ExpressionEvaluator<T> {
ExpressionEvaluator() {
Scanner reader = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.println("Enter your expression: ");
String expression = reader.nextLine(); // Reads the expression and trims the spaces.
expression = expression.replaceAll(" ", "");
ExpressTree<T> tree = new ExpressTree(expression); // Creates a new binary tree.
public static void main(String[] args) {
new ExpressionEvaluator();
interface Tree<T> {
// This is the tree interface with its methods.
public Node<T> getRoot();
public void setRoot(Node<T> value);
class ExpressTree<T> implements Tree<T> {
private Node<T> _root;
private String _value, _expression;
private Node<T> _treeNode;
private Stack storage1;
private Stack<String> storage2;
public ExpressTree(String expression) {
expressTreeBuilder(expression); // Calls the expressTreeBuilder method on the expression.
public Node<T> getRoot() { // Gets the root of the tree.
return _root;
public void setRoot(Node<T> _treeNode2) { // Sets the root which will always be an operator.
this._root = _treeNode2;
public boolean isDigit(char value) { // Method to check if a value is a digit or not.
if (Character.isDigit(value)) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
public void expressTreeBuilder(String expression) {
storage1 = new Stack(); // Stores the nodes.
storage2 = new Stack<String>(); // Stores the value of the nodes.
_treeNode = new Node(); // Creates a new node
_value = null;
String next = "";
for (int i = 0; i < expression.length(); i++) {
char traverse = expression.charAt(i);
if (i + 1 < expression.length()) {
next = Character.toString(expression.charAt(i + 1));
if (traverse == '+') { // This checks to see the expression is an addition operator.
Node<T> pop1, pop2; // It pops the first 2 values from the stack and stores them
String value1, value2; // in pop1 and pop2. Then it uses another stack to add them.
pop1 = (Node<T>) storage1.pop();
value1 = storage2.pop(); // Stores the right side value.
value2 = next; // Stores the left side value.
_treeNode = new Node();
pop2 = new Node();
_treeNode.setLeftSide(pop1); // Sets the right side of the subtree.
_treeNode.setRightSide(pop2); // Sets the left side of the subtree.
int add = (Integer.parseInt(value2) + Integer.parseInt(value1));
} else if (traverse == '-') { // This checks to see the expression is a subtraction operator.
Node<T> pop1, pop2; // It pops the first 2 values from the stack and stores them
String value1, value2; // in pop1 and pop2. Then it uses another stack to subtract them.
pop1 = (Node<T>) storage1.pop();
value1 = storage2.pop(); // Stores the right side value.
value2 = next; // Stores the left side value.
_treeNode = new Node();
pop2 = new Node();
_treeNode.setLeftSide(pop1); // Sets the right side of the subtree.
_treeNode.setRightSide(pop2); // Sets the left side of the subtree.
int subtract = (Integer.parseInt(value2) - Integer.parseInt(value1));
} else if (traverse == '*') { // This checks to see the expression is a multiplication operator.
Node<T> pop1, pop2; // It pops the first 2 values from the stack and stores them
String value1, value2; // in pop1 and pop2. Then it uses another stack to multiply them.
pop1 = (Node<T>) storage1.pop();
value1 = storage2.pop(); // Stores the right side value.
value2 = next; // Stores the left side value.
_treeNode = new Node();
pop2 = new Node();
_treeNode.setLeftSide(pop1); // Sets the right side of the subtree.
_treeNode.setRightSide(pop2); // Sets the left side of the subtree.
int multiply = (Integer.parseInt(value2) * Integer.parseInt(value1));
} else if (traverse == '(') {
} else {
_treeNode = new Node();
String digits = "";
while (i < expression.length() && isDigit(expression.charAt(i))) {
digits += expression.charAt(i); // Checks if the value found at the expression is digit
if (digits.length() == 1) {
_treeNode.setElement(digits); // If it is it will set the element of the node
storage1.push(_treeNode); // The node will be pushed onto the stack.
storage2.push(digits); // This node will store it's value.
public void infixTraversal(Node<T> n) {
if (n != null) {
System.out.print(n.element() + "");
public void postfixTraversal(Node<T> n) {
if (n != null) {
class Node<T> {
public Node<T> _left, _right, _parent;
private String _element;
public Node() {
this._element = null;
this._left = null;
this._right = null;
this._parent = null;
public String element() { // Gets the value of the node.
return _element;
public Node<T> getLeftSide() { // Gets the left side of the node.
return _left;
public Node<T> getRightSide() { // Gets the right side of the node.
return _right;
public Node<T> getParent() { // Gets the parent of the node.
return _parent;
public void setElement(String e) { // Sets the value of the node.
_element = e;
public void setLeftSide(Node<T> n) { // Sets the left side of the node.
_left = n;
public void setRightSide(Node<T> n) { // Sets the right side of the node.
_right = n;
public void setParent(Node<T> n) { // Sets the parent of the node.
_parent = n;