I'm finding out panasonic camera. I want to get audio data from this and try to play it. I sent a command to camera and receiced a stream data as following:

HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Content-type: multipart/x-mixed-replace;boundary=--myboundary
Content-type: audio/g726
...binary data...

I have searched some open sources on internet to decode the stream data but actually i don't know the data encoded by this camera using u/a/l law, 2/3/4 bits, rigt/left packed these parameter neccessary to decode exactly. Does anyone know please tell me? Is there any format for g726?

Assume that I decoded successfully. Could you give me a piece of code written by C/C++ how to play the data after decoding. I mean that I want to hear the audio data which get from camera on my PC.


1 回答 1


ITU 在此处提供了G.726编解码器的源代码,尽管为您提供代码来做回溯似乎有点超出答案的范围,我们至少必须知道您的操作系统..

于 2012-02-24T19:05:26.780 回答