I am working through the examples in 'The Eclipse Graphical Framework (GEF)' book and the included Genealogy example(Draw2d chapters) seems to have the z order of figures messed up. When a figure is dragged or selected its z order remains unchanged which causes strange/unnatural behavior where the dragged figure can be dragged under other figures.

I would like to be able to change figures' z order when the figures are selected so they are moved to the top of the children list and appear at the top of the z dimension of the chart. What is the best way to do that?


2 回答 2



final IFigure child = <figure you want to bring to the front>;
final IFigure parent = child.getParent();
final List children = child.getParent().getChildren();
children.remove( child );
children.add( child );

这是操纵子元素的原始列表,将特定子元素移动到 z 顺序的前面。然后,重新绘制孩子以显示此更改。该解决方案是 Draw2d 特有的,与 GEF 无关。

于 2013-02-19T12:19:24.567 回答

The z-order of the figures in draw2d is defined either by order of addition (last figure on top) or can be set in Figure.add.

I guess the easiest (but probably not very efficient) way of doing what you want is removing the figure from the parent and adding it again. This will make it the last figure added, therefore also the top figure

于 2012-02-25T17:59:33.697 回答