我正在开发一个通过 ajax 处理“页面”的 web 应用程序。每个页面的内容都在一个 xml 文件中,应用程序 ajax 的那个 xml 文件并从中构建页面,然后将其吐出到浏览器。
视频播放器始终存在于 dom 中,当它不被使用时,我将其隐藏在屏幕外。
我假设使用 new Image() 并给它一个源缓存该图像太对了吗?
var l_image = new Image();
//other stuff happens here
switch(l_next.type) {
case 'st_animation':
if(l_next.video != undefined && l_next.video != '') {
l_videoSrc = String(l_next.video);
delete l_next;
//give 2secs for the video to load atleast the first frame
setTimeout(p_callback, 2000);
if(l_next.image != undefined && l_next.image != '') {
l_imageSrc = 'files/'+ l_next.image;
delete l_next;
l_image.src = l_imageSrc;
//replace the image or append it
if(this.data.type == 'st_animation') {
_$image.html('<img src="'+ l_imageSrc +'" alt="" />');
else {
_$image.prepend('<img src="'+ l_imageSrc +'" alt="" />');
//trigger callback when loaded
if(l_image.complete) {
setTimeout(p_callback, 500);
else {
l_image.onload = function() {
setTimeout(p_callback, 500);
* Goes to the page with the specified id
goTo : function(p_pageID) {
//empty content & show loader
_currentPage = null; //empty the page data
//get the page we're going to's data
var l_data = this.getData(p_pageID);
//instantiate this pages PageType sub-class
eval('_currentPage = new '+ l_data.type +'(l_data)');
l_data = null;
* Loads the xml of the page's id you pass it
getData : function(p_pageID) {
var l_cacheBuster = '?cacheBuster='+ _structure.course.settings.cache_buster,
l_xmlPath = './data/'+ p_pageID +'.xml'+ l_cacheBuster,
l_data = new Object();
//ajax request
type: 'GET',
url: l_xmlPath,
dataType: 'xml',
async: false,
success: function(p_data) {
//convert the xml structure to json
l_data = $.xml2json(p_data);
//check for parsing error
if(l_data.text != undefined) {
var l_dataString = String(l_data);
if(l_dataString.indexOf('XML Parsing Error') > -1) {
error: function(p_response, p_status, p_error) {
trace('Could not load "'+ l_xmlPath +"\"\r\n"+ p_status +': '+ p_error.name);
return l_data;