我是 Project Server 开发的新手,想知道是否可以使用 PSI 设置资源自定义字段值。
我目前为 CustomFields 和 Resource Web 服务设置了 Web 引用,但不确定如何为特定资源设置自定义字段。
我是 Project Server 开发的新手,想知道是否可以使用 PSI 设置资源自定义字段值。
我目前为 CustomFields 和 Resource Web 服务设置了 Web 引用,但不确定如何为特定资源设置自定义字段。
我知道你的问题。微软在 MSDN 上有非常糟糕的例子。很多东西不起作用,或者只是从 2007 年手册中复制而来。我昨天开始使用 Project Server 2010 的 Web 服务进行开发。
完整源代码: http: //pastebin.com/tr7CGJsW
之后,我编辑了 app.config,因为我必须使用特殊凭据才能登录到项目服务器(也许这不一定适合你):
<security mode="TransportCredentialOnly">
<transport clientCredentialType="Ntlm" proxyCredentialType="Ntlm" realm="" />
<message clientCredentialType="UserName" algorithmSuite="Default" />
<!--<security mode="None">
<transport clientCredentialType="None" proxyCredentialType="None"
realm="" />
<message clientCredentialType="UserName" algorithmSuite="Default" />
注释代码已由 Visual Studio 创建
现在我们可以创建一个与 Project Server 通信的新 SoapClient:
//Creating a new service client object
ProjectSoapClient projectSvc = new ProjectSoapClient();
//Just if you need to authenticate with another account!
projectSvc.ClientCredentials.Windows.ClientCredential = new NetworkCredential("test", "test", "demo");
projectSvc.ClientCredentials.Windows.AllowedImpersonationLevel = TokenImpersonationLevel.Impersonation;
现在我已经宣布了两个 Guid,我们知道,我们想要更新什么。其他变量稍后使用,并在代码中注释:
//Guid of my project
Guid myProjectId = new Guid("{610c820f-dc74-476c-b797-1e61a77ed6c6}");
//Guid of the custom field
Guid myCustomFieldId = new Guid("{cd879634-b3ee-44eb-87f7-3063a3523f45}");
//creating a new sessionId and a new jobId
Guid sessionId = Guid.NewGuid(); //the sessionId stays for the whole updating process
Guid jobId = Guid.NewGuid(); //for each job, you give to the server, you need a new one
//indicator if you have to update the project
Boolean updatedata = false;
然后我们准备从服务器加载ProjectDataSet,找到 CustomField 并更新数据。这真的很简单:
//loading project data from server
//Every change on this dataset will be updated on the server!
ProjectDataSet project = projectSvc.ReadProject(myProjectId, DataStoreEnum.WorkingStore);
//To find your custom field, you have to search for it in the CustomFieldsRow
foreach (ProjectServerCSVImport.PSS.Project.ProjectDataSet.ProjectCustomFieldsRow row in project.ProjectCustomFields)
//check if the GUID is the same
if (row.MD_PROP_UID == myCustomFieldId)
//if yes, write it into the container
row.NUM_VALUE = 12345;
//and set the indicater
updatedata = true;
如果我们更改了一个值,我们现在必须将 ProjectDataSet 发送到 ProjectServer。它将更新 ProjectDataSet 中更改的值。为此,我们必须检查我们的项目,更新它并再次检查:
//update if you have changed anything
if (updatedata)
//check out the project first
projectSvc.CheckOutProject(myProjectId, sessionId, "custom field update checkout");
//send the dataset to the server to update the database
bool validateOnly = false;
projectSvc.QueueUpdateProject(jobId, sessionId, project, validateOnly);
//wait 4 seconds just to be sure the job has been done
//create a new jobId to check in the project
jobId = Guid.NewGuid();
bool force = false;
string sessionDescription = "updated custom fields";
projectSvc.QueueCheckInProject(jobId, myProjectId, force, sessionId, sessionDescription);
//wait again 4 seconds
//again a new jobId to publish the project
jobId = Guid.NewGuid();
bool fullPublish = true;
projectSvc.QueuePublish(jobId, myProjectId, fullPublish, null);
//maybe we should wait again ;)
我对这个平台(Project Server 2010)很陌生,所以这段代码可能不是最好的例子。因此,有一些增强功能可以使解决方案变得更好:
/// <summary>
/// Returns the GUID for a specified project
/// and sets the guid for this class
/// </summary>
/// <param name="client">soap service client</param>
/// <param name="projectname">name of the project</param>
/// <returns>Project GUID</returns>
public Guid GetGuidByProjectName(ProjectSoapClient client, string projectname)
Guid pguid = new Guid();
ProjectDataSet data = client.ReadProjectList();
foreach (DataRow row in data.Tables[0].Rows)
if (row[1].ToString() == projectname) //compare - case sensitive!
pguid = new Guid(row[0].ToString());
return pguid;