我正在使用一个数据库,设计师似乎真的很喜欢大写字母和下划线键。因为我有一个简单的 ORM,所以我的数据模型也使用这些名称。我需要构建 DTO,并且我更愿意为它们提供标准名称,因为我们通过服务公开它们。 下面的代码现已更正!测试通过,因此如果您需要使用多个命名约定,请将此作为参考

    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
    using AutoMapper;
    using NUnit.Framework;

    namespace AutomapperTest
        public class DATAMODEL
            public Guid ID { get; set; }
            public string FIRST_NAME { get; set; }
            public List<CHILD_DATAMODEL> CHILDREN { get; set; }

        public class CHILD_DATAMODEL
            public Guid ID { get; set; }
            public int ORDER_ID { get; set; }

        public class DataModelDto
            public Guid Id { get; set; }
            public string FirstName { get; set; }
            public List<ChildDataModelDto> Children { get; set; }

        public class ChildDataModelDto
            public Guid Id { get; set; }
            public int OrderId { get; set; }

        public class UpperUnderscoreNamingConvention : INamingConvention
            private readonly Regex _splittingExpression = new Regex(@"[\p{Lu}0-9]+(?=_?)");

            public Regex SplittingExpression { get { return _splittingExpression; } }

            public string SeparatorCharacter { get { return "_"; } }

        public class Profile1 : Profile
            protected override void Configure()
                SourceMemberNamingConvention = new UpperUnderscoreNamingConvention();
                DestinationMemberNamingConvention = new PascalCaseNamingConvention();
                CreateMap<DATAMODEL, DataModelDto>();
                CreateMap<CHILD_DATAMODEL, ChildDataModelDto>();
        public class Tests
            public void CanMap()
                //tell automapper to use my convention
                Mapper.Initialize(x => x.AddProfile<Profile1>());
                //make a dummy source object
                var src = new DATAMODEL();
                src.ID = Guid.NewGuid();
                src.FIRST_NAME = "foobar";
                src.CHILDREN = new List<CHILD_DATAMODEL>
                                   new CHILD_DATAMODEL()
                                           ID = Guid.NewGuid(),
                                           ORDER_ID = 999
                //map to destination
                var dest = Mapper.Map<DATAMODEL, DataModelDto>(src);
                Assert.AreEqual(src.ID, dest.Id);
                Assert.AreEqual(src.FIRST_NAME, dest.FirstName);
                Assert.AreEqual(src.CHILDREN.Count, dest.Children.Count);
                Assert.AreEqual(src.CHILDREN[0].ID, dest.Children[0].Id);
                Assert.AreEqual(src.CHILDREN[0].ORDER_ID, dest.Children[0].OrderId);

2 回答 2



public class DATAMODELProfile : Profile
    protected override void Configure()
        Mapper.CreateMap<DATAMODEL, DATAMODEL>();
        Mapper.CreateMap<DATAMODEL, SOMETHINGELSE>();
        Mapper.CreateMap<DATAMODEL, DataModelDto>()
            .ForMember(dest => dest.Id, opt => opt.MapFrom(src => src.ID))
            .ForMember(dest => dest.FirstName, opt => opt.MapFrom(src => src.FIRST_NAME))
            .ForMember(dest => dest.ChildDataModels, opt => opt.MapFrom(src => src.CHILD_DATAMODELS));
于 2012-02-29T04:01:39.013 回答


我不喜欢全局/静态,所以我更喜欢使用 Initialize 并一起定义我的所有映射。这还有一个额外的好处是允许调用 AssertConfiguration... 这意味着如果我的映射失败了,我会在启动时得到异常,而不是每当我的代码开始使用有问题的映射时。

Mapper.Initialize(configuration =>
    configuration.CreateProfile("Profile1", CreateProfile1);
    configuration.CreateProfile("Profile2", CreateProfile2);


public void CreateProfile1(IProfileExpression profile)
    // this.CreateMap (not Mapper.CreateMap) statements that do the "normal" thing here
    // equivalent to Mapper.CreateMap( ... ).WithProfile("Profile1");

public void CreateProfile2(IProfileExpression profile)
    profile.SourceMemberNamingConvention = new PascalCaseNamingConvention();
    profile.DestinationMemberNamingConvention = new LowerUnderscoreNamingConvention();

    // this.CreateMap (not Mapper.CreateMap) statements that need your special conventions here
    // equivalent to Mapper.CreateMap( ... ).WithProfile("Profile2");


于 2012-03-14T19:19:02.353 回答